Older Pekin Niacin deficiency


8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Northern Michigan
My 2 year old Pekin is niacin deficient. I purchased niacin tablets, but I'm trying to a) figure out dosage and b) how to administer. We free range our ducks and chickens, and I've read of people putting it in their water or yeast in their food, but I need to make sure to be aggressive and get her back on track quick. Thanks!
Recently had a duckling that was niacin deficient. We just took the niacin out of the capsule and he would eat it straight from our hands or we'd pour it over his food and watch him to make sure he ate it. I gave him about 3 capsules a day.
I have a five gallon waterer that I use for my younger pekins before they go out to their "big duck" pond. I use 2x 250mg of non flushing niacin, crush it, and put it in the 5 gallon waterer. Niacin is water soluble.
You can give them up to 100mgs (actually ingested) per day until they are no longer deficient. Then I would give it to them a couple times a week. Maybe 10mgs.

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