Oldtimer learning new tricks.

Welcome to BYC you picked a great community to learn from so ask away. Especially check out the coop feed on here there is great ideas for extra cold weather coops. I suggest that you get Rhode Island Red and black astrolorp and black sexlinks I live in Northern Ohio so it gets pretty cold here and that's what I have I also have white leghorns and Easter Eggers are all good breeds good luck and remember the only silly question is the one unasked so ask away 😀
Thanks for your welcome. We have lots of questions, it's nice finding some of the answers in the forums. :) I'm sure we'll have more.
Welcome to the BYC Flock! :jumpy

Rhode Islands and Chanteclers are great suggestions.

I would also add to your list of possibilities Easter Eggers and Wyandottes (they have smaller combs and are less prone to frostbite), and Brahmas (if it isn’t super muddy, Brahmas have feathered feet to prevent frostbite!)

Good luck!
Good to know about the Brahmas. Thanks
:welcome :ya:yesss: Hello and welcome to BYC. You found an Amazing Poultry Community to be a part of, with many knowledgeable members who are willing to help you along your journey with any questions you may have. Enjoy :)
Hi. :) Yes, we enjoy reading the posts, and appreciate everyone's help. I'm learning a lot just saying "hello" :thumbsup

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