Oldtimer learning new tricks.


Mar 1, 2022
Northern Ontario Canada
Hello everyone: We're new to chickens, actually haven't started yet. Located in Northern Ontario where winter temperatures get down to -40 degrees. Most winter days the temps range from -4 to -18 Farenheit. So we're concerned about making a good coop on a budget so our ladies will be comfortable through the winter. I've read quite a few posts about chicken coops and chickens, so I'm sure I'll learn a few things from the great people here.
Welcome to BYC! Make sure the birds have a cozy place to stay in. And what breed's do you plan to get?
Hi ChickenEnthusiast: Thanks for the welcome. We have no idea of what breeds to get. We do know that we want a mix of layers and meat birds. Hubby suggested we first learn how to build their home, then worry about what breeds. The area we're looking at putting the chicken coop is protected by coniferous trees, both from high winds and deep snow. We don't need to worry about neighbours, but do need to worry about predators.
Hi ChickenEnthusiast: Thanks for the welcome. We have no idea of what breeds to get. We do know that we want a mix of layers and meat birds. Hubby suggested we first learn how to build their home, then worry about what breeds. The area we're looking at putting the chicken coop is protected by coniferous trees, both from high winds and deep snow. We don't need to worry about neighbours, but do need to worry about predators.
Awesome! I live in upstate NY so it gets a little cold up here, Definitely look into getting Rhode Island Red's, Great winter birds. there are several others also. But those are one of the best ones to get for when the weather gets a little cold. Best of luck to you and your husband! Getting chicken's is such a great experience.
Awesome! I live in upstate NY so it gets a little cold up here, Definitely look into getting Rhode Island Red's, Great winter birds. there are several others also. But those are one of the best ones to get for when the weather gets a little cold. Best of luck to you and your husband! Getting chicken's is such a great experience.
Great, thanks for the suggestion. I'll make a note about Rhode Island Reds.
Welcome to BYC you picked a great community to learn from so ask away. Especially check out the coop feed on here there is great ideas for extra cold weather coops. I suggest that you get Rhode Island Red and black astrolorp and black sexlinks I live in Northern Ohio so it gets pretty cold here and that's what I have I also have white leghorns and Easter Eggers are all good breeds good luck and remember the only silly question is the one unasked so ask away 😀

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