Olive colored eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
N. Texas
:Guys I saw some olive colored eggs. What flavor chicken do I need to get those? And dont say olive flavored.
Cross a Maran's with a Green egger, pullets should lay olive.

Do a search for Ruth's olive eggs... they are to die for.
Easter Eggers lay olive green/blueish/pinkish eggs. They are sometimes a cross of an Americana roo on any other breed hen or a cross of other EEs. I blieve pure Americanas lay blue eggs.

My EEs have just started laying and if you would be interested in some olive green hatching eggs, I will put you on my list and contact you after I test fertility and start selling. They will be $10.00 a dozen plus shipping to your zip code. It will probably be another month before I start selling.

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