Yesterday I put the chicks out to play in my raised garden bed that I covered with chicken wire so they can play in there until I plant some lettuce and spinach. Which I better do in the next few days!!
Here are Olivia and Ophelia looking for bugs.
Ophelai is the darker of the two. Olivia still has mostly chick fluff. But the feathers that are coming in on her wings are a lighter color than Ophelia's feathers. I wonder, if they will stay two different shades? That will make them easier to for me to tell apart.
Any of you with Buff Orpingtons do they have different shades? I assume they must.
Here is a good photo of Princess Ophelia
Here are Olivia and Ophelia looking for bugs.
Ophelai is the darker of the two. Olivia still has mostly chick fluff. But the feathers that are coming in on her wings are a lighter color than Ophelia's feathers. I wonder, if they will stay two different shades? That will make them easier to for me to tell apart.
Any of you with Buff Orpingtons do they have different shades? I assume they must.
Here is a good photo of Princess Ophelia