OMG ~~ OMG ~~ OMG ~~ I have pips - - # 13 and counting! PICS


We now have 6 new babies and 5 more pips - today is day 20

so Far 3 frizzles from Lisa (Dipsydoo), 2 silkies from Jenlyn and 3 light Brahamas from ebay!

I had 2 pip yesterday but nothing from those two since....I guess they got plum tuckered out with that pip....?
Congrats on the new babies.. so far i have had one frizzle and one Blue/splash naked neck chick hatch from Lisa's eggs i'm waiting on the rest to start popin out
Aaawww such cuties!! Mine are tying as I type this. I found them peeping away (which I thought was the little chickies outside!) And then 1 of them has a hole in it already!!! I can't wait to get home fom the funeral today....
But I already have a name for the fist little chickie that hatches.
Good luck on your hatches and I am sorry about the funeral you are attending.

I woke up this am and found 5 more little fuzzy butts - now we have a total of nine and still counting....a couple more peeps in the eggs so we should have a few more!
I can't stand this!
I was going to buy young chicks from the auction so I wouldn't have more work to do. But with all this talk about babies and hatching and pips, I decided to hatch dozens of them!!!!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I done this many times and know what I'm doing. It's just that I already run a home and kennel!
Hatching is very addictive...I did buy a bunch of Hatchery chicks they are adorable but I have had such joy about hatching is the coolist thing!
We came home tonight and found 3 new little chicks and about 5 more eggs with holes! We are so excited now. The funeral went as ok as they can go anyway. Will have to check on these little eggys and get to bed, but I really don't think that I will be able to sleep knowing that they are hatching in the next room!!

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