This nest sharing is interesting to me. It must go on in the wild as well, right?
I think it must given how naturally it seems to come to them.
It makes sense really. Gather a bunch of eggs from everyone. Sit on them together and take breaks at different times so someone is always babysitting.
My job complete, papers signed and I now own the property that my rancid neighbor and evil rooster who killed Sir Jaffar now lives on my property. Eviction notices are in process. Nobody F’s with me. I’m so done with those people!!!!!!!
Off with them. Good.
Thirsty Thursday/dirty water for Gussy

(I need to trim Maris' spurs)
Gather around my friends and let me tell you a story. This story is about a little game hen who would one day be known as Momma Hen.

Momma's story begins 12 years ago. For some reason, we shall call it fate, she was selected and brought to the horse ring one show day. She was brought there to be turned loose during intermission for the chicken chase for the kids. Intermission rolls around and the foot race is ran and it is time for the kids chicken chase. This little game hen is carried out to the center of the ring. Children of all ages are gathered around ready to catch her. The kids know the drill, they have done it before. The chicken is tossed up in the air and when it lands the chase is on, the winner gets $5.00. The guy tells the kids to get ready and tosses the hen up in the air. Friends, this was no ordinary hen, this hen is smart. Once tossed up she did not land, oh no, she flew. She flew right out of the ring and into the hillside not to be seen. There she lived for a few years. Occasionally she would be spotted. Every now and then she would come off the hill for a brief forage into the neighborhood, but if she saw someone she hit the hill again. This hen was now wild.

Fast forward a few years. The barn and show ring changes hands. Major renovations are done to the barn. It is noticed that this wild hen making a daily round on the hill behind the barn. She will not come off the hill though. Work on the barn is completed and the horses move in. I still do not know how it came about, but somehow me and mom went from occasionally coming down to water the horses in the afternoons to taking over when their help quit. Now that I am down there pretty much all day every day I too notice this little wild hen. Rosie also spots her. Here is where once again fate steps in you see. Rosie had starting asking for chickens. This was partially due to the fact that during this period dreamworks Dragons: Race to the edge, was her favorite tv show. One of the characters had a chicken for a pet named chicken. Me and dad were saying no to chickens, although I sorta would not have minded a few. You all know how persistent children can be when they really want something. Dad looked at her one day and told her, "You tame that hen, you can have chickens." If he only knew what would happen due to that comment.

The first ever picture I took of Momma Hen down at the barn.

Since this is so long, part 2 will come this evening. I have to go out with Rosie to order her new glasses.
Off with them. Good.
The trick to getting property, is to do your research before making decisions. The next door neighbor was only a renter. The owner of the property was not ready to sell. I only mentioned that the water district is changing how they will charge for water in the next few months. The tenants have defaulted on their rent several times (public access to information) that and the fire next door, increased the insurance premiums skyrocketing. The zoning authority has also changed the rules for barnyard animals. Sadly lose lose for the owner, but a good opportunity for me to buy out that property. Ps. A shout out to my lawyer and his team for making this possible.
The trick to getting property, is to do your research before making decisions. The next door neighbor was only a renter. The owner of the property was not ready to sell. I only mentioned that the water district is changing how they will charge for water in the next few months. The tenants have defaulted on their rent several times (public access to information) that and the fire next door, increased the insurance premiums skyrocketing. The zoning authority has also changed the rules for barnyard animals. Sadly lose lose for the owner, but a good opportunity for me to buy out that property. Ps. A shout out to my lawyer and his team for making this possible.
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Congratulations. What will you do with the property now you have it? Maybe build a huge coop for your chickens (with A/C, WiFi, and whatever else the modern chicken demands!)?

Love that last picture.

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