OMG- somebody just tried to come into my house

Yes I agree with dlhunicorn, it may also give you some peace and help you to sleep tonight or tomorrow night, whatever it will be next time you need to sleep.

You need some concrete resolution here or you may never relax in your own home again.

Sorry to sound alarmist but it is so far beyond my scope here in Southern Tasmania that I know I would possibly never relax in my own home again.
Tell your sister to move the "ton of money" out of her car.....and probably into a bank account please.....Unless she's in the service industry such as a restaurant business, she really shouldn't keep cash in the car or around the house.

If she's a restaurant manager ----hubby used to be but no more..... get her to get permission to do night drops at banks and vary the local banks locale drop so she doesn't get hurt or better yet , get the restaurant to have vaults there. Policeman will also guard the night deposits if they know they are being made.

I'm sorry that happened this morning, I'd add dead bolts and a light motion detector lights outside. Be sure that you are also not predictable in terms of lights etc. Talk with the police regarding this and get some patrols too....

Praying for your protection and safety.
I'd add dead bolts and a light motion detector lights outside.

hmmm... (having a "light bulb " moment here)
In addition to the above I would think about this nifty little gadget:
Here is a thought that might help you feel better- is it possible this person was drunk or high and somehow thought he was at his own home or a friend's house? I have heard of people finding drunks sleeping it off in their living rooms before. Maybe he was just confused.
...something else just occured to me > you said your sister who lives/is staying with you is manager?
Ask her if she knows of a disgruntled employee (or if any personel knows about the money thing)
I was living in Boston for a while, Summerville. Got in around 3AM from a long bus ride down on a Monday to go to work. I was laying on my couch hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep before work, first floor, with a window at the foot of the couch. It was like 40 minutes and some guy popped the window up with a flatbar, breaking in. I heard him starting, so I jumped up on the couch, waited till he stuck his face in and as I give him a boot (sneakers on) to the cheeck I hollered "CAN I HELP YOU ?", in the three months I stayed after that, I never had another problem. You should have called the law.If he could see inside, then he had bad intentions, and he may come back.
My first thought is it was probably a drunk at the wrong house. I doubt anyone breaking in would stand there and continue to wiggle the handle while a dog was leaping at the door.
I am with you on this one. How can your hubby stop you from calling the police? For goodness sake, get off the computer and file a report right now! The person that tried to break into your house is goign to try this again and the police need to be aware of the fact that someone is trying to get into houses.
Maybe it was a ghost


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