On day 3 of trying to hatch an egg in my boobs

Ohmigosh, I love it!

I will say that I didn't like using socks, they let the egg slip around a lot and if they're thick the eggs don't stay as warm, which is why I used bits of an old T shirt or tissue paper. Let me know if the sock works for you! :D
The sock is on the thinner side. I've actually been tucking it under my breast then, every 2 hours or so, turning it and sticking it under the other breast.

I'll be honest, I haven't been as careful as you have. I'm not even entirely sure this egg is viable because it's my girls first egg and she was eggbound before she laid it. I know she had mated for about an entire week before she laid it but...well, I don't know. It's a very dark egg so I can't even see if there is an air cell or yolk or anything. I've tried but...well...it's dark lol I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll be able to see some semblance of life (veining or something) because I don't want to chance it going rotten and bursting in my breast! I've been checking the temperature of the shell of the egg a few times per day and it's staying in the 99-100 degree range. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm in Florida and spend most of my days outside lol
The one in the middle is the one that I thought was going to hatch first, and he died first. His yolk was smaller than the others...and a bright neon green that smelled. It ruptured when I took him out of the egg. They had all fully absorbed the blood but not the yolk. Weren't shrink wrapped either. 💔😭 Any clue what happened so I can avoid that with my current two chicken eggs? I will be ordering more quail eggs and trying again. I refuse to give up. It can be done or we wouldn't have gotten this far.
Bright green stink...is probably infection.
A good read:

My Husband and I are over here rolling about boob names. View attachment 2089389


I mean, the options are endless based on cup size. lol, Oh my gosh, cup size, CUPCAKE!
She said she probably won't name it anything chest-related. What a missed opportunity.
I just randomly decided to name the egg "Babushka." I don't know why -- I just like the word, I guess.
No, I will not change the name to "Boobushka."
"Matryoshka" could be a nice name, too... it opens, and there's another little one inside!
Cool! Do you have Russian roots? (just curious)

Boobushka would’ve been so perfect though!:lol:

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