On day 3 of trying to hatch an egg in my boobs

Yeah, definitely dead -- the yolk broke.
There was a little thing in there, maybe the side of a pencil eraser, along with a lump of egg white.
Well, fare thee well, Babushka the Second.
I think that I'm a bit too active for this at the moment... once summer heats up to the point of nobody wanting to move, myself included, I might take one last shot at it.
In the meantime, I'm setting this project aside. It has certainly given me a... unique... experience, though.
Good luck to all you boobincubators!
What happened to this thread? It's dead!
I haven't gone back to the boobincubation yet, but I did have a hen go broody, and she hatched some chicks!

My Booted Bantam hen, Marshmallow -- now a mother to two little pullets:

And here's her first baby -- a hybrid with Zapraska, a Dutch Bantam -- who hatched on Monday:

And her second baby, who just hatched yesterday:

Both are healthy, and the first one is very, very perky!

Oh, and here's handsome Zapraska:
What happened to this thread? It's dead!
I haven't gone back to the boobincubation yet, but I did have a hen go broody, and she hatched some chicks!

My Booted Bantam hen, Marshmallow -- now a mother to two little pullets:
View attachment 2223983

And here's her first baby -- a hybrid with Zapraska, a Dutch Bantam -- who hatched on Monday:
View attachment 2223994

And her second baby, who just hatched yesterday:
View attachment 2223997

Both are healthy, and the first one is very, very perky!

Oh, and here's handsome Zapraska:
View attachment 2224006
Adorable little family. What does Daddy’s name mean? What language is it from?

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