onagadori long tail

He was at twelve feet and still growing at the time I cut him back for breeding. I've been working these birds for over 10 yrs. They may not be 100% pure, but my line is darn close.

Specific diet, temperature control, special housing, daily hands on exercise, and constant grooming are all necessary. I found a long time ago the majority of people don't follow through with any of this, neglect the birds, and then they die. That's why as a general rule I don't sell my birds and that's the reason why you won't typically find birds like this for sale.

These are birds for serious dedicated breeders and preservationists. I'd be kicking myself if I ever let just one go as a pet. They are far to rare for a good bird to not be contributing to the further multiplying of its breed. If you want to keep these birds, study them and prepare to do it right.

David Rogers

This is the only person I have known to raise them

TommyVT05 send them a message

you can search their name and link to their website
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There are no true Onags in the US. Only decendants of a few roosters that were given to the US by Japan years ago. They are now protected by the Japanese government I think so there's no way to get pure ones.TommyVT05 has some of the decendant lines,. Mr Cy Hyde is one of the most well known breeders with those decendant lines, onagadori on here has some of Mr Hydes birds in her lines, and there are a few others that have them. But the true Onags take EXSTREAM care to get tails that long. The Japanese litterally keep the males solitary housed in tall cabinet like enclosures called Tomebakos (??spelling??) And they are non molters and have to be fed a strict diet that doesnt contain any grains other than brown rice or they will eventually get a build up of gluten which will poison and kill them.
Haha Yeah basicly. There are some of those decendant lines that can get tails around 6ft and up, but not as awesome as those 20+ ft Onag tails.
If Im going to spend the time and money to do it, I want to do it right. why have 6' tails for the same time and effort I can have 20' tails?
From what I have heard you can't import anymore? If there are some in Germany I do have a person in Austria that helps me import rabbits so that could be done. However at this point I just really wanted one young cockerel to play with and see if this is something I could commit to in a breeding program. Lets face it, if I can't manage ONE rooster, I would not be a good candidate to breed them. However if I get one rooster and enjoy it, then I would consider going the next step. The first step however is to get that one chick and see how it goes. I have wanted to do this for years and now that the kids are gone and I have the space and time.. well.. its time.
But getting them out of Japan would be the problem, I think they are only bred by the Japanese now and that the Japanese government has a ban on exporting any eggs or birds of the Onags out of Japan. I wouldnt think there would be any true ones in Germany but I dont know that.

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