One baby chick can't stand up or walk!


7 Years
May 19, 2012
Hello, I teach first grade, and we hatched all seven of our eggs yesterday! The students were excited, and I have the chicks at my house for the weekend. We do have a farm that will take the chicks at the end of the school year. What is troubling, is that one of the chicks has not been able to stand or walk since he was born. He will push off with his feet and wings and just flop from one side to the other. I have read about spraddle legs, but he doesn't seem to be like that. We have held him and tried to do some leg strength work with him. Any advice? When he is in the pen with the other chicks, I do have him separated, as they pick on him.

Thank you!
Did it have problems hatching or did you help it hatch? I would put some electrolyes in water and dip its beak in the water. Sometimes chicks don't make it for various reasons
It was the only one I didn't see hatch! I think our janitor might have tried to move it into the pen too soon, but then he put it back in the incubator because he noticed the other chicks were pecking at it. I have him separated and have done exercises throughout the day, and it is drinking water from a dropper. I now have another one that the others pecked to a little pink spot on the wing, so I separated that one, too.

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