One baby slower to get feathers


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Frederick County, Maryland
I have 3 RSL/RIR mix (that's what they told me at SS, anyway). They all look and act fine, and all are about the same size.

All 3 have their wing feathers coming in and some on their neck/shoulder area. 2 have a lot of tail feathers and the other has hardly any.

Do I have 2 roosters? Or do I have 1 sick baby?

Also, 1 of them is pooping what looks like light brown styrofoam. It's formed but foamy looking. All the other poop is what I would expect chicken poop to look like.

I'd appreciate your insight.
My less feathered chick ended up being a roo, but could you post pictures?
On of my sex link hens has always pooped a bit different looking that the others, ever since she was a day old. She is healthy and happy and a year old now and still poops a darker color than the others and slightly wetter. It runs in the range of normal though.
I wish I could post pictures but my camera died. My new one is being delivered next Monday (just ordered it this morning). I can't wait to share pictures though.

A roo? I guess that means I need to buy more babies so I have more girls.

I think dh will understand that logic. Don't you?
I have two kinds of chicks at almost 3 weeks. My pullets are getting much longer tail feathers than the roos. This may be the breeds but they are 2 different ones. Hope this helps. O'Yea i'm sure hubby will understand so go ahead and get some more. (Didn't think anyone here would discourage that did you)? Good Luck

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