One breed or many?

I couldn't imagine having just one breed. Well, if I did though, I know what breed it would be. But still, it would be hard.

I have a lot because I like seeing the variety, there's several out there I truly do just love, having more means having more egg colors, and different breeds offer different good traits and products. Whether it be egg, meat, aesthetic, or other qualities that trump one another.

Well put. I totallly agree.
We lost our first flock (a mix of what was available at the feed store last spring) to predators. After some serious coop reinforcement my son put in an order for a dozen new girls. While he did pick out 2 EE the rest were all based on his desire to have an assortment of colors out there. We love it. The girls (and we did find out Silver wasnt one of the girls when we heard crowing one morning) are a lot of fun. We like the mixed colors both in the yard and in the egg basket. So far only 2 are laying, but we should be seeing more soon.

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