Oct 29, 2012 #1 iluvpeeps Songster 7 Years Apr 13, 2012 513 7 111 Somewhere Three days ago one of my eggs hatched on the twenty second day. None of my other eggs have hatched. Will they?
Three days ago one of my eggs hatched on the twenty second day. None of my other eggs have hatched. Will they?
Oct 29, 2012 #2 Marthab1953 Crowing 12 Years Dec 13, 2009 2,103 135 306 25 years Jurupa Valley/Riverside CA. (58+Chicken So today would be the 25th day! Probably no more will hatch But I would still keep them for a couple more days to be on the safe side. Congrats on your chick and I wish you luck on the other eggs.
So today would be the 25th day! Probably no more will hatch But I would still keep them for a couple more days to be on the safe side. Congrats on your chick and I wish you luck on the other eggs.
Oct 29, 2012 Thread starter #3 iluvpeeps Songster 7 Years Apr 13, 2012 513 7 111 Somewhere Thank you. Well, my hen abandoned the other eggs to care for her chick so I threw them away and cracked one open and they were only half developed. Thanks for helping.
Thank you. Well, my hen abandoned the other eggs to care for her chick so I threw them away and cracked one open and they were only half developed. Thanks for helping.
Oct 30, 2012 #4 Marthab1953 Crowing 12 Years Dec 13, 2009 2,103 135 306 25 years Jurupa Valley/Riverside CA. (58+Chicken No problem! that is usually what happens.