One chick louder than rest, but survives fine?


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Ok so the other day like 2 days ago including the day we go them 6 Bantum chickies from tractor supply one makes really loud cheeps like its normal cheeps not like screeches n stuff and they are all huddled under the light and theyre warm and they have their food water and all that happy stuff but i hold him/her and its fine. But the minute i put it back down in with the rest it starts up making noise again, and i feel bad and i dont want my mom to be up all night because of loud mouth in there. HELP

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new chicks! However if they are huddling under the light, they are cold. Chicks should be actively moving around the brooder. Chicks cry when they are cold, hungry, thirsty, basically something is wrong. What temp is your brooder at? The heat should be off to one side with the thermometer on the floor directly beneath the heat lamp. At this age, they should have between 90 and 95 degrees F. Keep the food and water off on the other side so there are not only cool spots in the brooder for them to chill out occasionally, but they have to leave the heat to get to the goods. Make sure they all know where the water is by dipping everybody's beaks in the water. And lay down paper towels and sprinkle food on the floor near the feeder so they know where the food is kept. You can remove the towels once they have all figured it out. Lower your heat by 5 degrees each week for 6 weeks.

Here is an article in our learning center on raising your new babies you might like to read...

Enjoy your new babies! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. And welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2 what TwoCrows said, your chicks sound cold. Good luck with the babies.
They arent cold they do move around lol but he/she was fine the day after, but is it alright if they have their..."droppings" stuck to their rear i'm a little concerned there. Its not big but its not small either
They arent cold they do move around lol but he/she was fine the day after, but is it alright if they have their..."droppings" stuck to their rear i'm a little concerned there. Its not big but its not small either
No. If droppings are sticking to the butt feathers, something is not right. Make sure to use a thermometer in your brooder so you know exactly what temp it is. Make sure to keep the heat off to one side, food and water on the other. You can use either probiotics or ACV in the water. This will help with the imbalance in the intestines.

3/4 teaspoon of ACV in one quart of water, plastic waterer only. Change and make new daily.
1 capsule probios dumped into one quart of water. (powder only, not the capsule) change and make new daily.
No. If droppings are sticking to the butt feathers, something is not right. Make sure to use a thermometer in your brooder so you know exactly what temp it is. Make sure to keep the heat off to one side, food and water on the other. You can use either probiotics or ACV in the water. This will help with the imbalance in the intestines.

3/4 teaspoon of ACV in one quart of water, plastic waterer only. Change and make new daily.
1 capsule probios dumped into one quart of water. (powder only, not the capsule) change and make new daily.
ACV= apple cider vinegar :)
My mom fixed the butt problems and we have the temperature thermometer in there one randomly died it was fine all day and wasnt excluded or picked on, and ate and drank fine. It's kind of depressing.
It's not unusual for a young chick to pass away unexpectedly. Sometimes they have a congenital defect that is not obvious.

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