The chicks are all a bit over a week old. Everything going good until last night I come home and find a white silkie chick dead. All were drinking eating and running around. I check all of my chicks out and everyone else seems ok. This morning all is well and about 30min ago I find another one of my white silkies "crumpled" up on brooder floor. Chick is very lethargic can barely lift it's head tried to give it water through syringe but I am pretty sure it's not going to make it. Can't find any injuries or signs of what is going wrong. Temps are fine, they have water, and dumor chick feed. Only thing I changed was that I took the paper towels off of pine chips/shavings 2 days ago. Have to go to work in about 1 hr and can't stand the thought of more dead chicks when I get home. Why only the white silkies?