One dead chicken another looking not well

What are you feeding including treats?
How much space?
Photos of housing, birds, poop may be helpful.

Just put them outside within the last 2 weeks. Can you collect some poop samples, take them to your vet to see if Coccidiosis is the issue?

I agree, some of the symptoms sound neurological. Any chance they ate something dead, moldy/moldy feet or scratched around where something was toxic (compost, spilled oil, fertilizer, weed killer, etc.)
I will get outside with my phone at some point to take some pics. There is definitely a chance they are something as the scratch up (obviously) and we are in a new home and I don’t know what could be under the ground here. So that is a definite possibility.
Is there any yellow/white poo on the feathers in the bums? I stocked my chicken pantry with these products: Probiotics, corrid, calcium Plus with vitamin d, Nutra drench.
There was poop on the bum of the first chicken. I actually thought she was all compacted and went to clean it up but it was just stuck there. What probiotics do you use? I don’t think I can even buy corrid here. Actually maybe Amazon will have it. Usually if they have stuff like that it’s way more expensive then it should be. I’m going to look up nutra drench.
Just a quick note to say thanks to all who have shared your thoughts. I have been so intensely busy with this weather and getting ready for the garden, sorry I didn’t reply right away. Last night when I was closing up the coop for the evening i saw a skinny long tail run under a piece of wood. So I’m assuming a dirty disgusting filthy rat. Ugh. I’m sorta in the city but back onto farmed land. And they are planting right now so I’m assuming it’s not the last one. I have to research now how to get rid of rats without killing my chickens. Maybe I can put traps outside the run. So far all my other birds are looking busy and healthy. Send up a prayer this is the end of it all. I will post pics asap

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