One Duck living with chickens

davony's chicks

10 Years
May 30, 2009
I have 1 pekin and he/she lives with my chicks. They are all growing up together and get along fine. My question is... do I need to provide some sort of box for the duck to lay in??? As the chicks get older and not huddling on the floor with the duck, does the duck need and will he/she use one?
my ducks refuse to use a nest box..they will lay next to it though or wherever they feel like it.
If the duck is a drake, warn your chickens! My drake John hung out with 3 pullets for a few months until he realized they were girls. Result? 2 bald Australorps. He has 3 ducks of his own and covers them happily, but still wants to mount the chickens as well.
My parents had 2 chickens, 2 guineas and a cayuga together. The cayuga thought he was a chicken. I'm not even making that up. He didn't even like to swim. He was a great duck.
I can testify to that. My drakes were mounting anything that moved. It could have been a chicken, turkey, goose or rabbit. I think they tried the sheep but realized that wouldn't work. I finally had them arrested for assault and they now live peacefully ALONE and away from "general population". They are TERRIBLE !!!! I have 2 female mallards that live with chickens and everyone gets along fine. I have a LARGE dog house and a medium size kennel for them to sleep in at night. They lay their eggs in the dog house but prefer sleeping next the dog house and kennel. Both chickens/8 week old pullets get along just fine.
I raised a peacock w chickens. He was in love w a lil blk cochin. A bantam at that.
speaking of the odd couple.

I can testify to that. My drakes were mounting anything that moved. It could have been a chicken, turkey, goose or rabbit. I think they tried the sheep but realized that wouldn't work. I finally had them arrested for assault and they now live peacefully ALONE and away from "general population". They are TERRIBLE !!!! I have 2 female mallards that live with chickens and everyone gets along fine. I have a LARGE dog house and a medium size kennel for them to sleep in at night. They lay their eggs in the dog house but prefer sleeping next the dog house and kennel. Both chickens/8 week old pullets get along just fine.
These stories are too funny! We are starting to think this one is a female. Somebody told us that if it was a male the tail feathers would curl up. Does anybody know if that is true?
davony's chicks :

These stories are too funny! We are starting to think this one is a female. Somebody told us that if it was a male the tail feathers would curl up. Does anybody know if that is true?

Well on all my males, the tail feathers are curled up. The females do not have the curled tail feather.​
We have two ringneck doves, who were kept in the same pen as some baby cochin chicks. Well the cochins are living with the pukins(very happy), and the two ringneck doves, act more like chickens, insisting on "clucking" and pecking on the ground. They refuse to eat with the other doves/pigeons. Go figure.

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