One finger two can tell a roo from a hen - HUH?


9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
Trenton, Florida
My daughter is a surgical vet tech - she works with a lady that raises chicks. She said if you can place only 1 finger in between the chicks legs ... roo. Place 2 ... hen. SO ....
.... Daughter & I head to the coop. The photo here is Gonzo (5 weeks now) & we were able to place 2 fingers in between his/her legs ...
. Has anyone ever heard such a thing? I'm not a chick expert but common sense says this is off the chart coo-coo.

Can anyone give me a thought on Gonzo? I don't think my 2 fingers scream roo.

LOL I agree but the chicks received some great belly rubs & no one complained. Two more weeks & I'll know the sex of Gonzo. It was great mama & daughter time too.
Actually, I have seen mention of it, but I don't remember the specifics. It DOES sorta make sense- wider hips, so to speak, for laying eggs?
A man came to my place two summers ago and did some sort of test feeling the butts of my 6 week old chicks - something like you're describing. He swore my black sex link pullet was a roo. He also said one of my EEs was a hen. Turned out to be a nasty mean roo. He thought he was a wise old man and knew everything. He didn't know squat in my book.

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