One hen adopted us


5 Years
Oct 2, 2014
She just showed up in our one acre 6 weeks ago. She's a beauty (a leghorn), very friendly, lays a perfect white egg every day. Her coop is almost ready. In the meantime she has free run 24/7, loves the greenery and the many bugs. We worry about the cold weather coming (western Massachusetts), also whether she will be happy without another chicken. Any tips?
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Chickens are social birds, and she'll be much happier if you get her a buddy or two (and have several hens will help them survive the cold weather, too). Find your local thread and see if anyone has a couple of hens you can rehome with her.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

How nice of you to take her in! In the meantime you are building her coop, make sure she has a nice secure place to sleep at night as there are lots of predators that would love to have a chicken dinner. So make your coop predator proof as well.

Yes, chickens are very social animals so it would probably be of great help to her mental state and being able to stay warm in the winter if she had a buddy.

Definitely do some chatting in your state thread to see if any of your chicken neighbors might have an extra bird or two you can bring home to her...

Enjoy your new feathered friend and welcome to our flock!
Glad you joined us!

I would get your hen a friend (or two), since chickens are social animals and don't do as well without a flock.

As for the cold weather, don't worry too much about it. Chickens are hardy animals that can survive very cold temperatures. Just make sure she has a well-ventilated coop, thick layer of bedding, and is out of the wind. I would also rub some Vaseline/oil on her comb and wattles on very cold nights to help prevent frostbite.

Good luck with her!
Awwww, You will need to get her a buddy (or two or three

Good luck with your new addition!
Cheers from Ohio!
Glad you could join us!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good advice and suggestions above on getting her a friend or two. Good luck with your new bird!

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