One hen has it hard

Dinosaur Diva

May 14, 2023
Hi fellow dinosaur lovers!!

I have a flock of older 5 Cinnamon Queens, 3 Black Austrolorps, 3 Americanas. I recently added a new flock of 2 more Americanas, and 4 Brown Leghorns. The 2 flocks mingle, but not all the time. I have one hen who is just brutalized, mainly by the Cinnamon Queens. I call them rotten redheads. They are notorious for picking on everyone. 'Fowl' beasts (pun intended), but the one hen is just their victim. I found her with a large wound at the back of her head. I treated that, and let her be, until the Queens and two of the lower level Americanas were just torturing her. I put her, and her best friend who is so concerned about her, sweet thing, in my separate area, hospital, broody detention etc. where she would be safe. I'm not sure how long to keep her separate from the larger flock (19 birds in total, 11 older hens, 8 younguns) because I have never had a problem with my birds before. The majority of the older flock and the newer flock are doing fine, a bit of pestering, but nothing like what they do to Gina. Certainly she should be in there until her wound heals, yes? And how long overall do you suggest? I will let her bestie out during the day to forage (my hens are pastured), and put her back with Gina at night.

Can you tell I adore my hens? But I tell you, I'm ready to sell these mean Cinnamon Queens!!
Evidently they're part Rhode Island Red. I would re-home your Cinnamon Queens and avoid anything with RIR blood in the future. Reds are too aggressive to be coopfowl for most people
Evidently they're part Rhode Island Red. I would re-home your Cinnamon Queens and avoid anything with RIR blood in the future. Reds are too aggressive to be coopfowl for most people
Oh, I agree. I'd love to re-home them, but I am a keeper on a farm, and the hens belong to the farm owner. I guess I'm gonna ask again, haha. I really think they are meaner than junkyard dogs.
Oh, I agree. I'd love to re-home them, but I am a keeper on a farm, and the hens belong to the farm owner. I guess I'm gonna ask again, haha. I really think they are meaner than junkyard dogs.
That sounds like a tough situation. Animals deserve compassion, but it's often hard or impossible to help the animals of others
After the victim is healed, let her run with the more friendly flock mates while separating the aggressors.

In case it still does not work, the victim might be better off to be sold to a small BY flock consisting of friendlier breeds.
After the victim is healed, let her run with the more friendly flock mates while separating the aggressors.

In case it still does not work, the victim might be better off to be sold to a small BY flock consisting of friendlier breeds.
That's probably the best solution, but my birds are pastured on some large acreage and separating flocks is nearly impossible. They share one hen house. I am considering re-homing the Cinnamon Queens. They are the trouble makers. IF I can convince the farm owner to let them go.
I heard you can put a bell on the injured chick, and it’ll make the others run from it. Upon doing this it’ll sorta reset the pecking order. I haven’t tried it myself as I don’t have any bullies. But maybe it’ll work? I have a cinnamon queen I spray bottle if she gets out of hand. It’s like the get bored and start a fight. But my fully RIR is at the bottom of the pecking order and super skiddish.

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