One hen left the flock


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
Conroe Texas
I have a hen that is acting strange. Her name is Dumplins It all started about 3weeks ago when I found her in a nest box with her shadow "Teriyaki" Teriyaki was dead and seemed as if Dumplins was standing guard and didn't want me to move her. Every since than she started hangout alone and had nothing to do with the other chickens. She doesn't return to the coop at night and has taken up residence on the other side of the property.
I know they get a little shy when molting but this seems extreem. Could she have had such a bond with Teriyaki that she's depressed? Anyone have any ideas?
People have told me that yes, when they lose their buddies they get depressed.

I do not know how to help her integrate back into the flock. You need to make sure there is not any bulling going on from the top hens, but other than that I really have no good advice. I hope she gets to feeling better.
I have six hens that are more than two years old. They have always gotten along well together but today one died and one hen that always seems to go off by itself has completely separated herself from the rest she will not even roost with them. For the first time I did notice the head hen I guess chase her but this is not normal in my flock. Should I try to put her back with the rest or let her continue to be on her own.
I hate to disagree but I think that the only logical explanation is that what ever was wrong with Teriyaki is now affecting Dumplings.

Also sometimes chickens seem to form alliances and the loss of an ally could be effecting the pecking order status of the surviving hen, requiring her to separate from the larger flock for her own well being.

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