One less opossum


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Springfield, MO
Well just barley 7 days after Killing my first raccoon, I took out an opossum near my coop. It was a lot easier this time cause I let him out of the trap and then shot him, It felt more natural than shooting a caged animal A little more risky but that is fine with me. Now if I can only catch that Turtle that is eating my tomatoes
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Congrats! On both the raccoon and the possum.

Shooting him out of the cage is safer because of less chance of hitting that metal. So good job on that.

Where there's one, there are more. We've killed six here this week - welllll a car killed one. We killed the other five. Raccoons are next.
Google "possum and sweet potatoes." If you shoot it, you might as well eat it.

You know, I actually thought about that this week. Not eating them, because they're carriers of protazoa which nearly killed my horse this year. But of people who DO eat them. I thought " if anyone knew I had thrown away three possums in a night that they could eat, they'd slap me!"

I did have someone once who chided me for throwing away the "perfectly good" raccoon that we shot out of a tree.

I promised him that the next time I got one, it was his.

I wouldn't give him my possums, though, because of the EPM risks.

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