One lonely little chicken

Peachicks hatch at about 65-85 grams, then for the next few days most will loose weight. By the time they are 10 days old they should weigh 90-120 grams and would continue to make daily gains. Those numbers are what I *remember* from weighing them last year, but need to look at my notes to be sure.

How cute! I would love to have white peafowls! Peafowl angels... ;) How did it go? Did you take care of him? Did he/she survive?

I cared for him until he/she was a couple of weeks old and then it went to live with someone else who had other chicks to keep it company. Unfortunately he did not make it, I think it died about 10 days after it left us.
Thanks! Okey, he looks good I think for not being two weeks yet... Hope he keeps growing. He sleeps more now then before, but I don't know if he´s just lazy because he is growing or if he is week... I need to weigh him, but I don't have a scale right now. :-/
Thanks! Okey, he looks good I think for not being two weeks yet... Hope he keeps growing. He sleeps more now then before, but I don't know if he´s just lazy because he is growing or if he is week... I need to weigh him, but I don't have a scale right now. :-/
At two weeks four of mine weighed in at 120-140 grams.

Thanks! Okey, he looks good I think for not being two weeks yet... Hope he keeps growing. He sleeps more now then before, but I don't know if he´s just lazy because he is growing or if he is week... I need to weigh him, but I don't have a scale right now. :-/

It would be good to get a scale, weighing 65g at 1 week was probably not too bad, but he should be gaining and getting more energetic so I would be a little concerned about the increased sleeping.

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