one long thread for all of my current and future incubation questions

Title says it all! Here's a long thread for questions so taht I don't clutter the forum with 20000 threads. First questions:

How long do you leave chicks in the incubator after hatch?
Do hatched chicks bother the other chicks that are hatching or mess up the other eggs?
Is it ok to candle every day?
I'll answer them in the morning!!!
My personal experience/opinion answers below:
How long do you leave chicks in the incubator after hatch?
Number of hours depends on species. I take them out when dry because it just gets too busy in there when a bunch are out.
Do hatched chicks bother the other chicks that are hatching or mess up the other eggs?
I hear they don’t, but more than once I’ve had a zipping baby get punted around kind of brutally to the point I get concerned.
Is it ok to candle every day?
You can, up to the the last few days. Considering the mana hen gets off the nest daily anyway for a while, they won’t suffer from cooling off for a few minutes. (Not really recommended if you’re incubating several dozen eggs of course.) You’ll get over wanting to candle daily after the first thousand eggs anyway. ;)
Ok, great! have you ever had issues with chicks panicking when you pick them up and move them to the brooder?
Glad you asked this. I racked my brain back a ways and: NO. Not exactly. With only the possible exception of some button quail, they rush toward me when the incubator is opened. “MOMMA!!!” So be prepared for a stampede if there’s a lot, but it’s always been toward the front, especially if you peep at them to get their attention first.
Do you mean once on hatch day? I don't think that I'd be panicking for three days straight. A puzzle is a fun idea!
I meant from the start of lockdown. But if you won’t be a bator lurker, then you’re good. It used to be hard for me to not hover. I still check twice daily for early birds and pips to know who may be ready.

Editing out dumb question: Are you trying to get a special breed(s)? My eggs mostly all come from local Craigslist or shipped off eBay.
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My personal experience/opinion answers below:

Number of hours depends on species. I take them out when dry because it just gets too busy in there when a bunch are out.
Chickens. Is it true that there should always be one in the incubator to encourage the others to hatch? Is opening the incubator bad to take one out if there's one mid hatch or one that isn't dry?
I hear they don’t, but more than once I’ve had a zipping baby get punted around kind of brutally to the point I get concerned.
If you see that happening, do you remove the chicks?
You can, up to the the last few days. Considering the mana hen gets off the nest daily anyway for a while, they won’t suffer from cooling off for a few minutes. (Not really recommended if you’re incubating several dozen eggs of course.) You’ll get over wanting to candle daily after the first thousand eggs anyway. ;)
No candling in lockdown, right?

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