One of my 2 ducks died... What do I do?


Oct 13, 2021
Over a year ago I purchased 2 male ducks when they were both about 3 days old. They came from two different flocks but bonded immediately. These are the only 2 ducks I have as they were pets and I have no other outdoor animals. Last night when I got home from school, I noticed that the top of their cage was not fully secured and I saw one of my ducks lying dead with its throat slashed while my other duck was hiding in the back. I'm not sure what got into the cage or if it was my other duck who had killed him. They were pretty much inseparable, but the surviving duck was the one who kind of picked on my now dead duck. Is there any possibility my duck may have killed the other? My other duck is eating and drinking but he won't leave his pen. I don't know what to do with him as I do know ducks are social animals. He is obviously very depressed and is kind of walking in circles. He wouldn't leave the pen even when I gave him treats and will not even come by me. Whatever advise you have would be greatly appreciate.
You could check Craigslist for drakes. There are new drakes listed at least where I am from free to $10 a drake. As for if your duck killed the other I would say it's safe to say no. It's kind of impossible for a duck to slit another ducks throat and if your duck is acting afraid along with your cage no being secured... predator.
Sounds like racoon. They will slash throat and not actually eat them. I am so sorry for your loss. The racoon will come back for the other duck.
Ducks get equivalent to PTSD. He does not feel safe - so not coming to you even for treats as scared and does not know what is going to happen. He would not have killed the other duck. Thank you for caring enough to get on here for advice. Please think about your set up, enclosure, on how to prevent it happening again.
I'm sorry for your loss, it is a hard thing to go through for both owner and duck flock.

Like mentioned earlier, you could adopt him out or find a Drake online. Which state do you live in?

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