One of my girls died today; how to dispose?

I struggle getting the shells open when I'm cooking too!

Fingers crossed the weather allows me to see my girls
At least you've got two new peeps to come home to!

He was caught between watching me and the cat.

Is that a duck diaper:)?
It's a bit too small and too long, so next week I'm going to the store to buy fabric. I know how big to make it now, so hopefully it'll work out!
He's doing fantastic. He's still a single duck, but he's doing very well. We spend time together every day, he gets some treats, and scratches.
He's been venturing out into the yard and enjoying himself like he used to, he's much more comfortable with the dog outside with him, and he still sleeps at the door, quacking when he hears me around the house.
That's great to hear.
I play ducks quacking videos for my single little one, she gets all puffy and then tries looking behind my phone to find the quacking duck!!! If I do it long enough, she'll get mad and start trying to quack herself!!

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