One of my hens is already laying!


Sep 18, 2018
I live in south central Mississippi. We have pretty mild winters. I have 5 hens and 2 toms. I live in the country on about 30 acres. My turkeys free range until early spring and then go to breeding pens. I found one of my hens today sitting on a clutch of 13 eggs!! I noticed she had been going awol every day, but I didn’t think she was nesting in early January. About a month ago I put a light for security out back, not to far from there roost. Could this be enough light to make her start laying?
I found one of my hens today sitting on a clutch of 13 eggs!! I noticed she had

Weird Winter in Wyoming: I rescued 6 Moskovy hatched in a outdoor group nest on January 21, and I've got 11 Royal Palm eggs in the incubator. In for a penny, might as well go in for a pound. Other flock owners are saying that the flocks are going broody far too early-- despite consistant below freezing temps and sub zero at night. Lots of head scratching.
Weird Winter in Wyoming: I rescued 6 Muskovy hatched in a outdoor group nest on January 21, and I've got 11 Royal Palm eggs in the incubator. In for a penny, might as well go in for a pound. Other flock owners are saying that the flocks are going broody far too early-- despite consistent below freezing temps and sub zero at night. Lots of head scratching.
It has been a very mild winter here in Wyoming. I do not provide any supplemental light and my turkeys are right where they normally are at this time of year. The toms are wound up and ready to start mating. The hens are not squatting yet.

I have no reason to think this will be any different than any other year and expect my hens to begin laying around the middle of March.

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