One of my hens never grows(Advise needed please)


Jul 26, 2008
Bagdad KY
Hello,looks to me that on of my silver laced wyndott never gain any wait or get any bigger although she is eating more than her wait every day, did any of you has such a bird or can advise me if I have to do something to help her.
I feed all my hens layer mech16% and chicken scratch ( craced corn and grain) plus table scratch and I free range them every day under supervision for about 2.5 hours.
Thank you all.
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How old? I had a pullet that was very small, feathered in way after the others but she caught up...late bloomer?
I once read about some birds that have "lack of thrift", as in they don't process nutrients properly.
Perhaps someone more experienced will have something more specific for you...this is what popped into my head right away.
Good luck!
I have a gold laced wyandotte that is much smaller than everyone else? I don't know either...
but she has a lot of energy and very wirey-I'm sure she'll catch-up
I swear as if you are describing my hen she is exact same!
maybe the Wyndotte breed is like that!

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