One quail

Quail friend

Apr 11, 2020
Hi guys we had a single quail survive we tried to introduce him to the other quails who were a week older but they all pecked him. His name is moonboot as he had a curled foot and we used medical tape on his foot for his 48 hrs he lives inside gets to play in a large pen 60cm x 60 cm not to mention the house ( there have been soo many accidents on the carpet 🤣) but he is loved and we are at home mostly he flys towards us when we enter the room and in the morning and is easily handled follows us and let's us hold and pat him. He crows in morning and occasionally in the day. He is about 6 weeks old. Anyone else have a indoor pet quail? Any tips what do all those sounds chirps mean? Many thanks happy quailing😁


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Hi Cindy I did try a quail nappy out of a baby sock but he literally flips out so we decided it was too stressful for him we added ACV to his water and semi ferment his food and I have noticed he doesnt poo as much as he use to lol here is a pic of him with his moonboot when he was little😁


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i have seen people that have raised pet quail and from your description, it sounds like he’s happy. you can give him a stuffed animal friend that sometimes helps comfort when you aren’t with them. you could probably introduce him into a group of adult females at this point with success as well. as far as the mess, your only option would be to continue trying to figure out a diaper that he will wear while out playing or puppy pads, and contain in some type of covered housing when not.
Hi guys I was just getting rid of some of the poo in his new sandbox and after that he started chasing my feet biting it was so strange like he went crazy I but him back in his enclosure and covered him and when I picked him up after 10 mins he seemed fine is this teenage hormones? Territory over the sandbox ? So strange I will keep you updated in the next few days many thanks have a great week😊
Hello! I am so excited to meet another pet quail owner! My quail has lived as a family pet for two years. She is a lone hatcher so she doesn't really know that there are other quails in the world(except for a few occasions when I brought over mu friend's quail, but they all ran away from each other), and she seems to accept that her family members are all ridiculously big and clumsy creatures. You and your little buddy are doing really fine:). If you are worried that your quail is being lonely, though, you can try hanging mirror in the cage, cause people say that helps? Just avoid accidents(as a free range quail living amongst humans!)and have fun.
P.s. I just resorted to cleaning poo every time I spot them... quail diaper just...does not do in the long term.
Wow that's so cool I'm glad yours is a female we only get poo from moonboot lol. And loud crowing 🤣We are very careful when he's crusing around he generally follows us and is happy to stand near our feet. I also try and spot clean too changing his shavings weekly have u tried ACV and wetting the feed with warm water I definitely noticed less poo and better smell 🤣 yeah I think quail are not sure about other new quail as they often introduce them by hanging out next to each other in separate cages for a week or 2 or else they can attack each other....very territorial we have a small teddy bear in his enclosure I see him beat it up sometimes so he is definitely the top in the pecking order in there 😊 I'll try the mirror he seem happy enough hes pretty quiet I hear all sorts of noises I'm not sure what they all mean...maybe in time it'll be more obvious...

Happy quailing hope u all have a fun week ahead😊
Hi Cindy I did try a quail nappy out of a baby sock but he literally flips out so we decided it was too stressful for him we added ACV to his water and semi ferment his food and I have noticed he doesnt poo as much as he use to lol here is a pic of him with his moonboot when he was little😁
What is avc and semi ferment and will this work on button quail

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