One silkie with three LF chicks? Advice please!


9 Years
Jan 11, 2011
Central Coast, CA
Ok so unforutnatley of my eight silkie eggs only 2 made it to lockdown and only one has hatched so far. I was planning on being able to separate the silkies from the marans and Ameraucanas if they started beating up on the little things. But with only one, I don't want it to be alone.

Do you all think the bigger chicks will peck at the silkie, or will they just be all fine together? What has your experience been? Should I try to find a couple of banty chicks for the silkie to be buddies with in another pen if necessary?
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I think that if they grow up together, there shouldn't be any problems. I had the same situation. Only one LF hatched and I didn't want it to be lonely, so I got two bantams. I guess if that's all they know, then it's normal to them. Just keep an eye on them as they establish the pecking order. It can be violent at times, no matter what size they are.
Good luck with your babies.
Don't worry, I have always raised my silkies with my LF. If they start out together it is not a big deal.
Of course, I learned my lesson that OEGB shouldn't be raised with LF. But I have raised seabrights with LF and no problems! Currently in my brooder I have 2 sizzles and 1 partridge silkie with 13 LF and 2 seabights that are just guests until tonight. I tried to move the seabrights but they were screaming their heads off. So everyone is together. They'll be fine!
If they are raised with them, then they don't know that normal chickens don't have crowns of fluff. So they don't bother them. If introducing to a flock that has never seen a crest/crown, then bad things can happen.

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