One thing you chickens did that made you laugh today...

He's a RIR (Rhode Island Red) He Weighs About 5 1/2 Pounds (HEAVY), Hes Fended Off Several Hawks At Once And Possums, Heck Even A Big Turkey Vulture! He Cowed Em Foxes! :p

I currently have a flock of 16 hens and one Dorking rooster named Napoleon, they just turned 10 weeks so Napoleon is in his angsty teen phase and isn't the most gentlemanly rooster right now, well I tossed out the heel of some bread to the little ladies as I normally do and that little stinker runs up and grabs the whole piece and takes off, unfortunately for him, he grabbed it in the center and the bread covered his face blocking his view, he ran smack into some low hanging branches and dropped his treasure. In the end the girls got it even if he tried to be a greedy bugger.

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