One, Two, or Three Red Bourbon turkey Toms for sale


12 Years
Nov 19, 2007
These are 1- and 2-year old pastured Red Bourbon turkeys living on pasture at my friend's farm. I hope someone can take them because I'm getting their hen and her poults, but my friends are insisting I take one of the toms too, but I already have a tom that i like very much.

The birds are $10 apiece, located in southeast PA between Reading and Lancaster. Another BYC-er got 2 hens and a tom from this farm and really enjoys them and has been selling some of the eggs, I believe.
Someone bought 2 hens and a tom already sold, but I think there might be 1 more hen. How many would you be interested in?
We are interested in pairs so if there is 1 hen left then the pair, if there happens to be 2 hens, we would consider 2 pair. What is your availability for pick up during the week?


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