One very unusual first-time hatching story!

I won them on eBay from a guy in TN. He said that he had Silkies, D'Uccles, Seramas and Bantams. He could not promise what I was going to get because apparently they all co-habitate lol
Thank you so much!
I would love to! I really wanted silkies but this has been so exciting to see how different each one was that hatched. I was like a kid at Christmas! I will need the expertise of all of you to help me figure out just what I have here!
I love the mixed breed flock, so exciting to see what colors and traits they turn out with. And you will love them no matter what they turn out to look like. You are right about the silkies having black skin. I have a 5 week old silkie/cuckoo cross I hatched from an ebay purchase. He is precious, he has silkie feathers, five toes, light eyes. His skin was grey when he hatched, but is getting lighter, he has some pink starting around his beak, and he has a red comb starting( a silkie no-no) The light eyes are also a big no-no for silkies, but I love his light eyes!

Do Faverolles have feathered feet?

Yes, I got some little ones here. I love these little guys! Very friendly! My girls seem to have more on the feet than the boys right now but all have feathering on the legs. These guys are just turned 11 weeks old.


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