One week old chicks and whiteflies!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Petaluma (Northern California)
We have had our chicks about a week now. They are doing really well in a cardboard box in the garage with a heat lamp.
I built a frame with hardware cloth to cover it, just in case the cat sneaks into the garage.
Luckily she hasn't yet.

We have a little backyard garden and our cauliflower has a lot of whiteflies, they are clinging to the underside of the leaves.
My girlfriend cut one leaf and put it in the chicken brooder. Oh My Goodness. Those chicks were so excited, jumping and pecking to get the little bugs. The bugs started flying and the chicks chased them. It was like popcorn.
I have never seen the chicks so excited.

Naturally we did this every day till the cauliflower leaves were gone.

Now I'm wondering, should I go buy the chicks live mealworms or some other insect snack?
We have had our chicks about a week now. They are doing really well in a cardboard box in the garage with a heat lamp.
I built a frame with hardware cloth to cover it, just in case the cat sneaks into the garage.
Luckily she hasn't yet.

We have a little backyard garden and our cauliflower has a lot of whiteflies, they are clinging to the underside of the leaves.
My girlfriend cut one leaf and put it in the chicken brooder. Oh My Goodness. Those chicks were so excited, jumping and pecking to get the little bugs. The bugs started flying and the chicks chased them. It was like popcorn.
I have never seen the chicks so excited.

Naturally we did this every day till the cauliflower leaves were gone.

Now I'm wondering, should I go buy the chicks live mealworms or some other insect snack?
I'm jealous of your situation where you had those cabbage leaves to offer them...NOTHING grows here where I live except sagebrush..eek! Yes, offer them mealworms as a daily treat for sure! I went to the feed store and purchased a bag of dried mealworms...eegads! My chicks go crazy for them!! Best of luck to you!!

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