\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

(I love making these horses with dark pasts.


I'm thinking about joining this thread....... are you still accepting, Zelda?
(LOL I sent Sokya a PM inviting her to A H.A.M..... she must thing we're desperate, bombarding her with RP advertising... :lau

And Frost and Lily said they wanted to join... maybe they'll make the Watcher?

And we've still got that Lead Mare feud... :idunno )

She's getting annoyed at me cause I'm signing her up to all the role-plays.

Join what?

She's telling me "HOW DARE YOU LILY?" XD

Didn't you say you wanted to join One Will Reign?
(I love making these horses with dark pasts. :lau )


I'm thinking about joining this thread....... are you still accepting, Zelda?

P.S. Zelda has given me authorization to accept horses and stuff when she's gone, so...
We need a Watcher for Mountain Herd!!! (Basically a Medicine Horse, but...)

P.S. Zelda has given me authorization to accept horses and stuff when she's gone, so...

We need a Watcher for Mountain Herd!!! (Basically a Medicine Horse, but...)

O O!

A medicine horse would be cool! Thanks a million! 

I should be thanking you for joining!!!!!!!!! It means soooooo much to Zelda!!!!!!! :hugs
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O O!

A medicine horse would be cool! Thanks a million!
Just be sure to keep in mind
1. They are called Watchers, because they recieve sigs from Pegasus and the Herd of Ancestors
2. They don't actually store herbs and stuff, but they know which plants grow in which parts of the territory

Just so ya know
Name: Zitkala
Age (in seasons): 65 (roughly 13 years)
Herd: Mountain Herd
Gender: Mare
Rank: Herd Member, soon-to-be Elder
Personality: Wise and gentle. Extremely beloved and respected by the entire herd. Reserved, but when she speaks, she means it and her words are therefore taken very seriously. Highly intelligent and sage- likes to know and completely understand everything. Loves telling stories to foals and is secretly anticipating becoming an elder. Adores her daughters and has taken in Makawi as her own.
Color: Flaxen Chesnut
Markings: White star on forehead.
Description of bodily attributes: Fairly large mare. Typical flaxen chestnut, with a very long and flowing mane & tail.
Mate/crush: (please specify which) Blizzard Cloud.
Parents: Deceased.
Siblings: None
Foals: Ivy and Hazel; foster daughter Makawi.
History: Born and raised in Mountain Herd. Took Blizzard Cloud as her mate many seasons ago, bearing two beloved fillies with him. Tens of seasons later, he appeared with the motherless Makawi, whom Zitkala certainly hadn't borne with her mate. Instead of revoking and disowning her mate, Zitkala saw took her sage wisdom and unearthed something within him-
Blizzard Cloud was lying. He hadn't sired this foal.
He would forever be loyal to Zitkala.
Unbeknownst to the entire herd, Zitkala understood this and accepted Makawi as her foster daughter; also keeping Blizzard Cloud as her mate- though the entire herd was blatantly shocked that a faithful mate would keep an "unfaithful" stallion, but, of course, none of them- not even Zitkala- know Makawi's true heritage.
And most likely they never will.
Only Blizzard Cloud knows Makawi's secret.
And he's not about to tell.
Username: HeavensHens88

(Is Zitkala accepted??? :p
I should really stop making all of these dark charries.. :oops:)
Name: Jade
Age (in seasons): 25

Herd: Mountain Herd
Gender: Mare
Rank: Watcher
Color: White
Markings: None cause she's pure white

Description of bodily attributes: Tall, long legged
Mate/crush (please specify which): None (can she have one???)
Parents: Windy (deceased) Sol (deceased)
Siblings: None
Foals: None
History: Normal history
Other: She has unusual blue eyes
Username: chicken4prez
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(Is Zitkala accepted???

I should really stop making all of these dark charries..

I totally missed her! YES and THANK YOU for making a flaxen. I love flaxens

Name: Jade
Age (in seasons): 25

Herd: Mountain Herd
Gender: Mare
Rank: Watcher
Color: White
Markings: None cause she's pure white

Description of bodily attributes: SHE'S A LIPIZZANER
Mate/crush (please specify which): None (can she have one???)
Parents: Windy (deceased) Sol (deceased)
Siblings: None
Foals: None
History: Normal history
Other: She has unusual blue eyes
Username: chicken4prez
Ok, the time setting is loooong before america was settled by the british, and henceforth there are no different breeds yet.
Hm.......yes.She can have a mate.
Once you change her "breed", accepted! She sounds amazing (and I'm not just saying that)

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