\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

(XDi suppose so, huh
I'll get back to you when I can, but I have to go feed my unicorn now
she's in my avatar pic
ok lol

Smoke pawed the ground, his neck arched with the unmistakable flair of a proud stallion. He turned to where most of his herd was gathered. "Are we all done grazing?" He whinnied.
Twilight lifted her head from the tall, lucious grass. "I am" she replied.
Shimmer and Winu-cala glanced at each other. "Nope" the replied in unison.
Smoke gave them an irrate glance. "Fine, Twilight can stay, as can anyone else who wants to keep grazing. Whoever wants to go home follow me" he announced, turning sharply and trotting towards Flat Peak.
Chumani, Bluebird, and Lilly followed.
Wamlisapa listened intently for any important information but all she heard was that they were going back home and a mare and a young foal and a broodmare had followed smoke out of the grazing field other than that she saw a lot of herd members and the occasional foal with their mothers
Wamlisapa listened intently for any important information but all she heard was that they were going back home and a mare and a young foal and a broodmare had followed smoke out of the grazing field other than that she saw a lot of herd members and the occasional foal with their mothers

(Just to make sure you know, they're just leaving sun-soak field ;))
(And fun fact: Twilight is modeled after Armira, my new horse :p)

Smoke turned in a small circle and went to the back of the herd, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
Hinto strode quietly alongside Paytah, watching Misae trot ahead. He sighed mournfully. "I can't make a connection with her" he nickered. "Training a yearling is built upon a solid working relationship, but she just won't listen!"
Smoke followed his herd as they scaled the path to the top of Flat-peak. He strode to the base of Black Pine and whinnied to gfet their attention. "Today, we have shown Valley herd that we are not to be ignored" he neighed triumphantly. "We have possession of the two most valuable resources throughout the whole territories" he paused, collecting his thoughts. "But in our victory, Paytah himself attacked and severely injured Macawi. I have not yet decided what we will do about that, but when the time is right, the punishment will be most severe" he rumbled, his voice taking on a dark, foreboding tone.
Mountain herd are all back at flat peak after winning the fight with valley herd.

Macawi is Flood's spy in mountain herd, and Misae is his spy in valley herd. No one has any suspicions of them at the moment.

Guys, you don't need an invitation too play your characters! If you see a spot to jump in just go for it! :D

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