Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Those colors look great together! I really like that and it would be so pretty in a room with white and yellow color scheme.

Thanks, Karen. I feel like you and I have been having a private conversation for days now, LOL. Wonder where everyone else is? Recovering from the holidays? But, I think I'm on the right track now with this. My little glitch just means I now have two 24" Carpenter's Wheel blocks as the base of two different quilts.
I did it. I ordered some fabrics from thousandsofbolts. Figured the shipping was less than gas running around from Walmart to Walmart and still not finding what I wanted there or worse, driving over an hour to a fabric store or Hobby Lobby.
I worked on the next round of the first one I started. I'm debating the corners, maybe the pretty dark olive (I think I have enough for the four squares-could not locate it at Thousands of Bolts, probably no more available) or just the same bright gold I used on the half-square triangles in the star points on this round, which is the same as the one in the large center block.

And I am waiting on a green in my order to do the border around the other carpenter's wheel, but I found this fabric in my stash that will go nicely in it.

I did it. I ordered some fabrics from thousandsofbolts. Figured the shipping was less than gas running around from Walmart to Walmart and still not finding what I wanted there or worse, driving over an hour to a fabric store or Hobby Lobby.
I worked on the next round of the first one I started. I'm debating the corners, maybe the pretty dark olive (I think I have enough for the four squares-could not locate it at Thousands of Bolts, probably no more available) or just the same bright gold I used on the half-square triangles in the star points on this round, which is the same as the one in the large center block. View attachment 1231623

And I am waiting on a green in my order to do the border around the other carpenter's wheel, but I found this fabric in my stash that will go nicely in it.

View attachment 1231624

I really, really like the new framing colors on the top quilt. I like the olive at the corners if you have enough but the gold would work also.
The new fabric in the 2nd picture looks like it has about a perfect match up of colors to the inside pattern. I makes it a 'busy' patterned fabric to my eye but in smaller blocks would coordinate about perfectly with the interior block.

Lots of beautiful fabric choices in your new order.

The new colors are great, the top red and the rich gold really catch my eye as good colors to match with numerous projects, although I have to admit my favorite color is green and I really like your choice of the darker green.
The new colors are great, the top red and the rich gold really catch my eye as good colors to match with numerous projects, although I have to admit my favorite color is green and I really like your choice of the darker green.

I'm glad you approve! Green is my favorite color, too. One of my favorite combinations is sage green and lavender/violet so the purple is to add to that. I have quite a few fat quarters in those colors to use in another project.
I believe the deep gold is the same one I have now, the one used in the center of the block, which is rare, that I'd find it again. Of course, it could be a shade off, too.
I looked for some fabrics to see if they had more of ones I wished I gotten a whole yard of or that I've used up, but like fashion, they disappear with time. They aren't having a sale on anything I want at the moment and their best deal on shipping they ever have is usually just "we ship them all, great and small, for $4.95" so mine was just $2 more since I didn't wait for a sale. Sometimes you can fill up a cart and just let it sit until a sale, but sometimes, your cart just disappears if you don't click submit within a day or so and then, you have to spend hours trying to find your stuff all over again. Watch them start a sale as soon as I get my fabrics, LOL. That's usually the way it works. But, these were all good name manufacturers and all $4.95/yd so Walmart prices for high quality stuff.
I did have just enough of the dark olive for the corners. I need to make sure all the pieces are trimmed to 7.5" then I can start sewing them together. The cream used is not the same as the one in the center, but it's so close and with the border between, it doesn't show as different.
I can barely see a difference on the overall shot and even in the closeup the difference is there, but not at all *jarring*.

The top quilt looks good. How are you finishing it? With a narrow piping or a slightly wider border?

No idea. I'm not even sure how big it will be. Maybe that depends on when I get sick of it and have an idea for a different quilt, LOL. I'm going to wait for the fabrics to get here and see if there is something that will work for the first border of that softer-hued quilt. TOB usually ships within 24 hours so I expect I'll be notified tomorrow and it will be here by Friday. At least, the holidays are over now and the mail should run normally now.

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