Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Okay, now I need to figure out the 12" corner blocks for this round. I have no more of the super light blue fabric, only the floral and green in these twisty blocks. But, I did get more of that darker blue, some even darker blue than that , more of the gold and a green-and-blue version of the botanical blue print in the last border that pairs with the dark blue. So, the 12" corner blocks, hmm. Here is where they go:


and the overall look:

Try it with the green squares on the "north" and east" as the floral instead of the green, ie just one green square in the middle, how does that look?
yes, that's how the "rope" should go, IMO (the same size as it is in both directions). It's a shame you don't have any more of the blue to use in the corners.
My watched ebay machine has 12 hours 45 min to go and is at $610 as it was last night. I'm going to wait until later, probably after 6 p.m. to put in my max bid, unless it's already been overshot by then. There are others, but folks are probably waiting on this one to go before they bid on the higher priced ones.

I'm just going to do a 9 patch in the floral with a green square in the center. I'm getting a headache trying to figure out something to tie in the corners. It doesn't help that my husband is in critical mode and all of everything is falling on my shoulders right now. I can't risk getting a migraine. Have to take the easy way since I can't find one single example of this pattern turning a corner online, not yet.
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I've about decided on this for the corners. These are just fabric scraps laying here to illustrate, not cut yet. I could change the blue center, but it brings back the blue, then I'll do a 2" blue border, then maybe a slightly wider gold border, then decide on the next step.
Well, just :barnie Finally, after looking for days and days, I found the corner treatment for the pole twist block. And I have zero of the crystaline blue fabric for it. I might could substitute for that particular one with something else in order to keep doing the same block and connect the corner to the sides, or go with what I have above. See? Why, oh, why could this have not shown up before I ordered fabric??? It's just another of the same block (sort of), plus one added row of squares. Sheesh.
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