Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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If I can get up in the morning I'm going to a swap and taking some Guineas. I don't need 30, all from the same pair.
OMG! My alarm went off this morning at 6. At 7, my husband had to get a 2x4 to use as a lever to pry me out of bed. I still made it to the sale , but I left behind some chickens I wanted to take along. I am not an early bird.
I couldn't sleep last night so at 4 this morning i went out and caught all the muscovy ducks. As luck would have it ,they all went into the barn so i shut the door and put the cage into the corner,tied the open and they all went in. I sold about 30 chickens and 15 ducks at a better price than i thought. I know that i may not get they chicken pens done before winter.So selling some takes some of the pressure off. My wife took them in for me this morning and we she got back and i went to the sale i was so late that the sale was almost over, so i didn't buy anything eater. But i wouldn't anyway i'm in selling mode.
wow coach, you got those ducks in a row:lau pretty good they all went in the cage for you. Yes, prices are recovering some since it has cooled off . I wasn't totally disgusted with the prices today. Nice coop building weather but rain tomorrow i guess.
This morning I literally hit the ground running! I was having a dream that skunks and porcupines were trying to eat the silkies!?! I hear Bang! Yipe! Yipe! I jumped out of bed, threw on clothes, grabbed my gun. I see the PitBull trying to get through the fence to get back to the road so he can run home. I run all the way along the road to the gate , open the gate but by then he is heading down the barn road toward the gulch. Husband is hot on his heels, but has to keep stopping to open gates. ( I thought the dogs would be trapped, but they just go under.) I see the Shepherd lying dead on the ground! He killed one! Hurrah!!! The other one was hit again, we could not believe it came back after I shot it. We have not seen the Husky since it was hit. So two out of three chicken killers are out of commission. We built a big bonfire and incinerated that dog. Bonus, got rid of that brush pile.
Tomorrow I need to ship eggs, and the guy is supposed to come and buy chicks. They are hatching like crazy. I had to put a dishpan with shavings under the incubator door, because every time I open the door, chicks fall out! :-D
I worked on fixing the quail pen today where those dogs broke in. And I put a layer of welded wire around it. Plus I am putting a skirt of plywood around the bottom to keep it warm this winter.
I also put a roof on the creep feeder turned coop. DH ripped the roof off an old collapsed goat house. So I used that metal. I also painted the exterior and started the floor frame to attach the hardware cloth to. Put a piece of plywood on one end as well as plexiglass to let some light in. I need four foot wide hardware cloth so I will have to pick that up. Also put boards across the top to attach the roof to, and later will hang feeders from it. I am going to build a new door since the old one was pretty light weight and I want something sturdier. Good progress today, I am going to be needing more lumber for the run.
What is everyone else up to?
I glad you got those dogs!!! I had the same problem with cats, but it doesn't make as a exciting story as yours. We having been moving stuff and cleaning. We cleaned out one of our spare rooms to put the antique bedroom suite in ,then sell it on craigslist. Tonight i burned the huge cardboard feed boxes, i know that they can see the fire from space.
They saw my bonfire from space too! I had a huge pile of wood junk logs and branches I lit to get rid of the dead dog. DH was sure I would set the woods ablaze, but I raked the leaves up all around the fire and wet it down good with the hose. Flame on! I just went out to see what all the barking was about, but whatever it was is gone.
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