Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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I took our Holstein bull to the sale yesterday, he was starting to pester the girl goats.My friend who owns the sale barn said he would bring 85 cents a pound early this week but by Saturday he said it would be lucky to bring 77 a pound,farming sucks. I just dumped him off and went home. I'll get the check in the mail in a couple of days.
Yes,if you sell anything at the sale barn these days you get ripped off. I do much better selling off the farm. That said, I still go to the sale because I like to look at animals. How are the chickens doing, coach? What about that big coop project you were working on?
Today I sold almost all the chicks from the garage, and several adult chickens. The man saw my Light Sussex and had to have a rooster . DH says, "You got $20. for a rooster?" yep. Would have been lucky to get $10 at the sale.
I packed four boxes and shipped them off, collected feathers and eggs. Scored some free plywood and pieces of boards at a building site. Will be good for nest boxes or feeders.
We are supposed to get rain tonight, we can sure use it. Tomorrow I go pick up those production reds. I am going to buy all she has left since I sold those other chickens. Need to produce more eating eggs, there is a good market for them here.
Got up early, had about 5 hours sleep ,woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Had to get up early and get ready to go anyway. I got 8 chickens from that lady, lovely young pullets from a 4H project. Very well cared for. Two of them laid eggs on the way home! I was walking around with a chicken under each arm and a guy pulled up wanting eggs:-D So I sold him two dozen. I wanted to make a sign about chicks, DH thinks I don't need one:rolleyes:
It is raining out, and cold. We need the rain but not the cold. Got some exterior paint for $5 a gallon today. Lots of things to paint around here. I made a bulk feeder for the quail , hope it works ok. Kind of like those feeders they use for rabbits.
I cleaned out the chicken coop for the new girls, they seem right at home already. So glad I got them. Had three more chicks hatch this afternoon, more RIR. I still need to go to the barn and feed those chickens, it was rainy and I was cold so I decided to wait until it stops raining. Still raining! :p
We got1&1/2 inches of rain in about a hour last night and it's cold here too. The wife and daughter is off to Colorado for a week to see her folks and go to a class that they wanted to go to.The chickens are laying good and the coop is still not done. I should finish the rock work tomorrow at lest the part needed. They are going to pour the side walks Saturday ,so i have to get after it.
Production reds, a laying flock to produce eggs for my local customers to eat. I never have enough. The restaurant gets 6 dozen every two weeks, and other people get three or more dozen at a time. I am not even putting a rooster with them.
Those hens laid 7 eggs today, from 8 pullets. Way to go , girls! And my new Light Sussex started laying! Plus I found a nest from one hen with 6 eggs in it. I thought she wasn't laying, because another hen had pecked her. But I guess she is over it .
It was awfully cold and rainy today so I am making beef stew for tomorrow . DH got the gas fireplaces going, and the woodstove in the kitchen.We will be cosy tonight.
I worked on the new pen for a while, but it started raining again , so I just got part of one side with the welded wire tacked on. Tonight I went in the garage and built the pass through so the chickens can go from the coop to the new pen.oh, yes and I cut a hole in the quail pen for the new feeder I built, painted and caulked the feeder
Last night I set four mouse traps, and caught 4 mice. So I guess I had better break out more traps!
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The guys showed yesterday and pored the side walks, instead of Saturday. It was to wet to work on their job, so they did mine. It was kind of tricky because i had loose chickens,but i did get most of the chickens caught and of course they walked in the wet concrete.But the boys smoothed it back out after it set up better.It only took me all summer to get the rock work done,i still have some more to do ,but it can wait. It is the most beautiful walk way in the world, you would think so to if you walked in the dirt and mud for the last 3 years. Also it was 40 and the wind was blowing hard, i all most froze.
Today I got all the welded wire attached, the chicken wire on the inside of another side, and I did part of the ditch digging and wire skirt around the polish pen. I also built the frame for the door to the run. And I painted the pass through and a farm sign.
The poison ivy is still driving me crazy, I can hardly wait for it to go away.
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