Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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we just had a visit from our son , Bob, his wife and kids! Scotty loved feeding and watering the chickens, even though he is only three. It was great to see them again.
So the chickens finally started laying again, and I sent off one order today. I was going to post some auctions, looks like the format has changed. DH is taking my laptop in for a checkup tomorrow .
The goats started kidding on the 7th, the earliest they have started. Nina had three as usual, Sasha had two, and the next day Domino had twins. Almost an even split between boys and girls. Two are very small so I am bottle supplementing them. Yay, I love babies!
Finally, the Gold Laced Polish hens started laying again! I went to the Scotts Hill sale on Saturday and bought a whole flock of young Buff Rocks! Never had them before, but I sold all my buff orps a while back so I went for it.
Had another goat kid but one got chilled before I noticed them and didn't make it. It was a gorgeous spotted buckling, I was so sad:'(
We are having bad flooding issues! The bridges to town are over 6 inches under water, the pond is overflowing and the floor in the goat barn got wet, which never happened before. Hope it stops raining soon.
Also having hawk problems. I went down to chicken city, and found the window smashed out of one of the coops! There was a hawk sitting on top of my FBCM rooster!!! The rooster was still alive, but the whole back of his head was chewed off, and the hawk was eating more! Naturally, I didn't have a gun with me, but I am getting a gun belt soon so I can be armed 24/7. I am sick of these predators.
Hi Deb i'm still kicking and have a bunch of chickens.I have been selling good on facebook and i have been keeping ahead of my feed bill for the past few mo,s.I still go to the chicken sales in oklahoma. I still have my milk goats and this year we bred them to a spotted boar billy.I have had problems with hawks too.
Hi Coach! We are having flooding problems and freezing rain. Three bridges on the way to town flooded yesterday, so I am not going to even try to drive to town today.
I quit hatching in the fall but am itching to start again.
I am really bummed out! The other night, someone ran over our Pyrenees , Joel, and just kept on driving. He died 15 minutes later.We tried to keep him inside a fence but it was impossible. We live in the country, a small town, and we have had him for several years. I miss him so much. Considered getting a pup but really you need a dog at least two years old to do any good as a guardian dog.
Oh no,sorry to hear that.We got a pup this last fall and he got out trough the fence and got ran over,We only had him a few weeks.I had 2 dogs ran over out here over the years so i built a fence.Sorry for your loss.
I would love to get a fence but DH does not want the area near the road fenced. The rest of the property is fenced , but that dog could get under livestock fence. Even the pasture with the hot wire! I am getting another Pyr on Monday, and a Shepherd for my husband on Tuesday. I plan to tie the Pyr for a while, and hopefully she will stay inside the fence.
I went to the sale today and prices were still low unless I wanted to buy a chicken... Then it was higher. Go figure. A lovely day, but cool this morning at 6 am the snaps on the gates were frozen!
This afternoon I built a big chicken feeder that can be installed in the side of the coop and filled from the outside. It will hold lots of feed, so no need to feed daily:) Now it needs a coat of paint and installation.
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