Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Bunny lover.I have up a farm page on facebook it's Heritage hill poultry farm.I have posted a bunch of pic and have sold some chicks-eggs-and chickens on there.It has been up for 48 hours and i have 256 people like it.What fun.The chicken sale around here are going up on price around here spring fever .
Hi Coach! Glad to hear prices are going up. Aspen, I got four bunnies
It is really hard not to buy stuff, especially when it is cheap.
Hi Coach! Glad to hear prices are going up. Aspen, I got four bunnies
It is really hard not to buy stuff, especially when it is cheap.
My neighbor puts frozen bottles of water in the bunny cages when it gets too hot, and they cuddle up to them. Right now, hot sounds good.
Oh man, I turned on the bator and put in 5 trays , i think they hold 4 dozen or so each. Hatch on, people
My neighbor puts frozen bottles of water in the bunny cages when it gets too hot, and they cuddle up to them. Right now, hot sounds good.
Oh man, I turned on the bator and put in 5 trays , i think they hold 4 dozen or so each. Hatch on, people
That's an excellent idea. If I ever get rabbits again, I'll certainly do that.

Hoorah for hatching addicts!!!!

~ Aspen
Newsflash! One of the lionhead rabbits had babies! I went out tonight to feed and water, and she had pulled out a bunch of fur and there were babies in the box! So I moved them all into the garage, where it is warmer, and put the heat lamp on. Whoopie!
Newsflash! One of the lionhead rabbits had babies! I went out tonight to feed and water, and she had pulled out a bunch of fur and there were babies in the box! So I moved them all into the garage, where it is warmer, and put the heat lamp on. Whoopie!

OH!! That is so excited! Congrats..there isn't anything near as cute as a baby bunny..unless it's a duckling!

~ Aspen
So I peeked into the box under all the fur, seems like about 4 dark colored little bun buns! Mama is marked like a Siamese, so who knows what daddy was like? Probably dark would be my guess
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