Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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I am sooo glad nothing worse happened! Please consider switching over to something like this... if it would work for you.
I have no financial interest in promoting this product, only to share with you that it works, it's safer, and it uses a TON LESS electricity! I have two small ones and my power system is solar and batteries, with generator back up. It's worth the investment, you will get paid back in energy cost savings the first time you use it! (I can't totally back that up with figures... but look at the wattage!)
I dont think that will work for goats
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Well the cat has a reprieve, the vet did blood work and her numbers were abnormal but not too bad, so now she is on a new diet. I was so happy i didn't have to put her down. After all, my Pyrenees got run over, and died, then one of the adult goats died, and now my favorite little white and brown speckled doeling died from the bloat last night. My heart is bleeding. Makes me want to sell all the goats so i don't have to deal with it. Usually they are so healthy and happy, but they go down so fast if they get sick. So I will be making a pyre today. At least it is sunny and stopped snowing.
Sorry Deb for all the problems. My heart hurts for you.

Originally Posted by Fyremare

I am sooo glad nothing worse happened! Please consider switching over to something like this... if it would work for you.
I have no financial interest in promoting this product, only to share with you that it works, it's safer, and it uses a TON LESS electricity! I have two small ones and my power system is solar and batteries, with generator back up. It's worth the investment, you will get paid back in energy cost savings the first time you use it! (I can't totally back that up with figures... but look at the wattage!)

I just wanted to say that I won one of the Ecoglow brooders during the New Year Eve BYC bash. I love the thing. I was having problems losing my less than week old chicks in my regular brooders. Since they are in the barn the brooders have a hard time regulating in the winter. The Ecoglow is just the ticket. I had a old dresser drawer so I put wood chips in it then a baby receiving blanket on top of the chips then placed the Ecoglow on top of the blanket. The chicks and baby quail love to snuggle under it and it keeps them warm and cozy. I loved it so much that I purchased the bigger Ecoglow for when I am hatching larger batches of chicks. Works great for poultry but certainly not big or tough enough for goats.
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Thanks all! Well I learned my lesson, the wooden boxes will have hardware latches from now on. I did try an alternate warmer , but found it did not produce enough warmth for new chicks in winter . I do have an insulated room in my barn, so when the chicks have been in the fish tank brroders for a week , they will go there. Looking forward to chicks!
Now my buckling is bloated, so I have got some fluids in a bottle to feed him I hope will help. Took him out of the pen before he got any pellets today, I don't like to let them eat pellets when they don't feel good. The poor cat is eating very little, I don't think she will live to see next month.
Saturday is the sale at Scotts Hill, I am going to take one of the bunnies to sell, he has way too much fur, like he is an angora instead of a lionhead.
Probably some chicks will start hatching tomorrow, got a huge batch in the hatcher. Waitng on my swap eggs for the easter hatch, they will likely come Saturday when I am gone to the sale.

I don't know much about goats. When we have calves that bloat we use Therabloat. We mix it with water and feed as a drench. It works really well on the calves and cows for that matter. We were told by the vet that in a pinch mix a few drops dish washing soap with water and use as a drench. Hope the guy will be okay.

Sorry about the kitty. We have an outside cat that is 16 years old. She is still doing good but cannot hear at all. She sleeps most of the time and does not wander so she is mostly safe.
I am bottle feeding him a electrolyte solution for goats with baking soda to kill the gas. Already gave him MOM for his loose stool. He is sitting on my lap , burping once in a while. Deb
Little goat seems to be doing better.
. Went to the sale today, prices are up! Bought some Black tailed buff Japs and two pairs of BB reds, plus one female lionhead bunny. Oh, and more hatching eggs.
. After I got home I worked on installing a nest box in the bunny cage. Then I got the babies into the box and mama into the cage. Babies have their eyes open now! Way cute. I am fixing up a bunny town near the garage where the chick brooders used to be. Raked leaves, picked up sticks, moved a cage, screwed on roofing. Always lots to do. Working on taxes too, yuck!
Still waiting on two does to kid. Need to start selling the older ones.
Little goat seems to be doing better.
. Went to the sale today, prices are up! Bought some Black tailed buff Japs and two pairs of BB reds, plus one female lionhead bunny. Oh, and more hatching eggs.
. After I got home I worked on installing a nest box in the bunny cage. Then I got the babies into the box and mama into the cage. Babies have their eyes open now! Way cute. I am fixing up a bunny town near the garage where the chick brooders used to be. Raked leaves, picked up sticks, moved a cage, screwed on roofing. Always lots to do. Working on taxes too, yuck!
Still waiting on two does to kid. Need to start selling the older ones.
Turned cold and windy again, just went out and fed the goats , checked the bunnies and chicks and came back in. It was pouring rain last night, the pond is overflowing. My eggs from Gamebirdsonly came, a lovely box of bantam eggs so I might hatch Olive Eggers, Marans and Welsummers! Must get the incubator fixed up so my humidity is higher. I hate sticky chicks
The rest of the week is supposed to be milder. Blossoms on the plum tree are beautiful!
Went to town today, Looking for some cull lumber, but not much available. Got a couple of needed items at goodwill.
I am rather bummed out that they closed the Crazy 24 hour auction thread. I was trying to sell a few eggs on there since not much is selling on BSA.
It was cooler today than I thought it was going to be. Hopefully it will warm up tomorrow.
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