Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Got the nest box installed, and the silkies are in their new run. I moved some of the polish to Polishville, and put the RIR in the coop the Polish came out of. Bought feed today, got a cable at Walmart to attach my phone to my laptop so hopefully I can transfer some photos to BYC. DH was off today, so he dug a ditch from the pond and installed an overflow pipe. The pigs kept bugging him, they were rooting through the dirt he piled up
. Welcome to my world.
Today is my elder son's birthday, he was born in 1985! Happy Birthday to Bob! His third child is due late this month.
My goat had babies today, so I will have to name the buckling after him. Brownie is kind of a wild goat but she is very sturdy and a great mom. The buckling is red, and the doeling is black and tan with white bands on her front knees. They are both up and walking to mom for supper
So I woke up this morning and it was pouring rain. Went back to sleep. Finally this afternoon it quit long enough to get the chickens fed.
Have not been feeling well, with a sinus, ear infection and sore throat, so I finally started taking some antibiotics . Only two days and I am starting to feel a bit better.
Waiting on the last doe to kid, she has never had kids before ... generally I would expect one or two kids, but her mother has three every time (except her first), so you never know. She is pretty round, and her milk is coming in.
The baby bunnies are coming out of the nest box to eat now, and they can go to new homes in 2 weeks. Anyone around here want to buy a lionhead bunny? I must get pics.
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Weeee! My last fat doe had her kids! I went out tonight to check the bunnies and heard a newborn baby goat cry. So I went to the goat barn and there was a baby goat with her Grandma (the doe that has triplets, and the mother of this goat that was delivering babies! I swear, she was babysitting it! Her daughter was busy with another little doeling, in a stall further down the aisle. Goats were being kicked out of the barn, as Nina is herd queen and wasn't letting anything near her grandbaby! Gosh, two doelings, that is great! Both a pretty tan color with white. Mom is red, and dad is black with white spots. Goat color inheritance confuses me.
Must go walk the Shepherd pretty soon, I wish we had a dog proof fence in the back yard.
Had to go buy feed today, DH helped unload the truck. Took our big shepherd out to teach her to play frisbee. She has way too miuch energy for one dog.
I burned off the leaves and old dry grass etc. off the garden. Then my neighbor can come and cut it up with the tractor disc. He does it for us every year, nice guy. Looking forward to the garden again.
Thanks! Planning to sell off the goats and get little Nigerians maybe. Went to a sale today and all I bought was equipment and one bunny, plus some eggs. It was very busy and the prices for bantams were high. Wish it would be sunny tomorrow, lots to do outdoors.
Today my Siamese Cat that I had for 13 years died. She was a very special cat, would retrieve her toys and attack my husband on command. You had to see it to believe it. He actually loved her as much as I did I think. She kept me company in bed each night, and truly enjoyed our company as we enjoyed hers. She will truly be missed. I doubt we will get another, since we have a 7 month old shepherd pup that barks at everything, including chicks hatching.
Today my Siamese Cat that I had for 13 years died. She was a very special cat, would retrieve her toys and attack my husband on command. You had to see it to believe it. He actually loved her as much as I did I think. She kept me company in bed each night, and truly enjoyed our company as we enjoyed hers. She will truly be missed. I doubt we will get another, since we have a 7 month old shepherd pup that barks at everything, including chicks hatching.
hugs to u ,we lost ours a year ago
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