Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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:gigOne of my cell phones went through the laundry!
it didn't do so well . Did you read that they charge $7 extra for special handling on the egg shipping boxes?=P
Jim, I havehad my phone go thru the wash b4 and a friend told me to put it in a bowl of rice( the rice must surround it) overnight and then pull the phone out in the morning. The rice that was around the phone should be fairly wet. The tip is: the rice pulls the mopisture out of the phone w/o harming the phone one bit. It worked for my phone.

Ocean Front Poultry
Today I sold three more goats, so all I have left is one buckling to sell. I am on a roll! The guy seemed really nice and eager to learn about goats. I think it will be a good home for them.
My poor little single quail chick has about run itself to death. Poor thing kept calling for buddies and running back and forth. I held him in my hand for a while tonight and put him in the incubator in my back bedroom. Must go check on him again soon.
My friend was pointing out by next week this time I will be in Florida! OMG I am totally not ready. I have a list of stuff to do as long as my arm. I am never going to get it all done.
What's up folks?
Darn, the poor lonely quail baby died.:-(
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Today it was hurry, hurry. I was trying to go to the chicken sale but it was getting to late after i fed and watered, so i unloaded the rest of the bark and cleaned out the back and went to the furniture sale. When i got there it came a huge rain storm, but of course it did't rain at my house. I did get a almost new couch for 50 bucks and another couch that has 2 recliners on each end for 90 bucks. Today we had 10 out of 12 javas to hatch,some more brown leghorns ,bb reds and some Sussex. The last hatch of the year was the best!
So sorry about your quail chick H2P.

DD has a passion for those hard to find breeds and we managed to find a breeder to ship her 1 dz golden lakenvelder eggs. She has 2 hatched put, 2 pipping and holding out hopes for the rest of them. Now I won't have to take her looking all over NC for them, jusy for the sumatras and LF silver laced polish she is looking for
Too bad my silver lace roo disappeared . I have a young hen growing out but no silver lace roo for her. What kind of Sussex do you have Coach? I have Light, Coronation , and Speckled. I just love them.
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I hope they hatch for you. I had five new chicks in the Bator this morning. I went out there and DH had accidentally unplugged the two bators and the lights on the chicks when he moved the lawn mower:rolleyes:This is not the first time, either! Luckily it hadn't been off long so I think they will be ok. The bators are almost empty, gives you kind of a hollow feeling.
I had several calls today about chickens and goats. If I had two goats instead of one I could have sold them. But I did sell four pullets, so that many less for the sitter to feed.
Still hot and humid, we had a little shower yesterday , but nothing serious . No garage flooding this time.
Hi everybody, i have light sussex and 2 coronation . They where eggs i got from a friend ,we where going to hatch them and sell them on craigslist, But only sold 6 , so i ended up buying the rest.[ i think it was his evil plan. They are not growing as fast as i would like ,but honestly i lost track of there age. Hey h2p, in the early spring it's like yea i'm going to turn on the bater and now it's like yea i'm turning it off.
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