Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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What do you think of him?

I'm really going to bed now. Good night.
My neighbor is on my bad side right now. She has been stealing egg money from my change box, it has to be her , and I am really not happy about it. She did buy another duck from someone else so it has a buddy. Nice Royal palm. I am going to bed too, g,night.
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oohh so sorry to hear that.. It is bad when someone you trust steals from you.. we would all probably help out someone in need if we were able..they would only ask for help..
I am meeting someone about 15 miles down the interstate to sell my two Red Star hens.. they were some of the mixed batch of chicks I ordered in February last year.. I think those two, two delaware, two BO and 2 RIR were the only ones of the batch to make it to adulthood. I am selling some to make room for a few I want to buy soon. I have contacted a person about an hour from me (Where my brother lives) and when I go see him on Jan. 11th. I am going to pick up the two BCM hens. Seems like I have sold TOO many eggs from them
as now I don't have any pullets to go into spring with. I am going to be watching local sellers to hopefully pick up about 8-10. If all else fails, I have set some eggs for ME.. I have a couple growing up but I never count my chicks before they make it up good many variables out here in the country that can take them out..

What else do I plan for today... humm we are still "de" cluttering and have a huge batch of paper stuff to shred or burn..My grandson will be here through Sunday morning when he goes to see my ex.. then back for a night before they had back to his moms.. he will be back the week of the 9th for that week.. it is nice (but exhausting) to have a young one around. He wants so badly to go outside but it is just toooo cold right now..not to mention wet from the recent rain.. I am off work until Tuesday and it surely has been nice. January is a long month though.. we get our Jan. paycheck the last working day in December.. and the best intentions to save some money did not come to pass..hence I am out of money until Jan. 31st.. A LONG TIME.. luckily DH gets paid weekly so we have bill money..just not much else for "fun money"..hence selling a chicken here and there..

Well Grandson is up and I better get off here before he notices the computer..
So I woke up at like 5 am, could not go back to sleep, thinking must do this, must do that. Finally got up and had a bath, washed eating eggs, and before you know it, time to take the cat to the vet. I rush to get there, but by 2:00 they still have not even started operating on her. So naturally, the cat has to stay there overnight. She was a basket case when I had her spayed and she had to stay overnight. She refused to use the litter box there, poor thing. I miss her.
I did get some of the sand shifted into some of the runs. Just scooped some into buckets and dumped it through the chicken wire. Screened out the big chunks of clay and rock that way. Hardly made a dent in that huge pile.
Had a nap after I got back from the vet, I needed it. Today my back and my feet are sore. Didn't get much accomplished today, though it was a pretty day.
Great picture Deb. I've been wondering how your cat was. I'm hoping for the best.

I got my BBS Ameraucanas moved today.
I didn't get much else done today. I didn't feel well this morning. I do have eggs hatching so hopefully my luck is changing.

Time for bed. Good night.
Those are my Black Langshan. When fully mature the rooster should be 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall. Their first egg made it to lock down for the NYD hatch.
A local chicken guy had some of those Black Langshans Jim.. BIG AND BEAUTIFUL birds.. I am trying to talk him out of some
I need another breed like I need another bill in the mailbox..but they are pretty
I'm hoping to show them. These are from show stock. I also have bantam Black Langshan that have been shown. I'm hoping sone of their offspring are just as awesome.
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