Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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You really need two if you plan to get goats. Mini goats are cute, don't eat much and don't bark like a dog. Plus they eat weeds and brush .If you get a bottle fed baby , they are as tame as puppies. I never got the little ones because the big ones would beat them up.
I got the frame of the new brooder painted and the wire stapled on the floor. Then tonight I cut the sides, just tacked them in place so I can paint them before installing. Hope to finish it tomorrow. The babies are growing like crazy! I sold some chicks today, the poor lady had three kids with her. Better her than me, that little boy was a handful!
DH reminded me I need to have it so chicks are not hatching while I am gone. Of course, we are only going for four or five days so I don't need to unplug the bators. Just not put any in after the first of the month. Going to FL to visit the kids, grandkids and parents.
My neighbors bunny had babies.....
why do guys always have to be in control?:p My neighbor will take care of the chickens, goats, cat and dogs. Luckily there are two chicken sales before we go, so I plan to sell most of the young birds, except those I am keeping. Gave four young polish I got from Marie to the lady I got the guineas from. Hope to get more of my feed bins done so feeding will be less of a chore. I do pay her well. Oh, and I have an ad on Craigslist to try and sell those bucklings. Plus the two doelings will be gone by then.
So I had to go to Selmer to trade in that feed, and I decided to stop at the clinic because I have been feeling lousy. Turns out I have an ear infection and sinus infection. I got an antibiotic and steroid shot, plus a Z pack. New Rx for BP and new antidepressant. I should be all fixed up after that.:-D
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Well i'm a little out of control with buying eggs and hatching this year.Last night i added up all the breeds i have and the new ones i'll have if they hatch,it's 18 breeds--is that to many? I'm not going to keep them all .I plan to raise them up and sell them this fall.The poultry sales in oklahoma has had crazy high prices on show birds,like $105 to $130 each. Good chickens are 35 to 45 each.I'll make a bunch of money,if i don't go broke feeding them to the selling point.
Good for you Coach! It is fun but the feed bills are crazy high. Got a free bag of feed today because they screwed up my order last time. I was thinking if I could cut back on the chickens I would have more time for other stuff. Still not done planting the garden.or the flower boxes. Or the bushes I bought last fall:-D
Finally put in one of those bushes that has been hangin around. I was waiting on a buyer for some guinea keets, and got two window boxes and two flower pots planted with flowers for the front of the house. The flower box on the side of the house still had petunias from last year that never froze, and they are growing well. The plum trees bloomed too early and there were no bugs to pollenate so there are very few plums this year. The guinea buyer never did show up. I did sell some polish chicks today, I was going to grow them out but if I can sell them now, just hatch more later.
I got my new brooder finished today, I plan to build a feeder that will hold quite a bit and hopefully decrease waste. Will try to post a pic of the frame for the brooder if I can get it to download. I have so many chicks now I don't know which ones to move first.... Off to town tomorrow, need more lumber etc.
You are busy as always Deb.. Since getting the Sportsman.. I have had super hatch rates.. so I am overrun with chicks at the moment.. took 30 to the auction last week..they sold faily well. Taking some more this weekend.. we shall see. I need to do some work out in the coops and this weekend is garden planting for me. With being sick and the weather taking a cold turn..was glad I didn't have plants in the ground.. but time is a wasting.

Back to work for me today..finally feeling 80% like my old self.. if I was independantly wealthy.. I would rather stay home.. but off to work I must go.

Yes, I hope to plant a lot tomorrow . Bought sweet potato starts today, have lots of seeds and flowers to put in. Had fun shopping today, got a new bath mat among other things. There is a poultry sale on Saturday, so I am excited about that. Once I get my new hatchers, I can use my cabinet to incubate so woo hoo! Hatch on:-D
Didn't get anything planted today, but I did finish the feeder for the brooder and installed it. Moved the old quail brooder, cleaned out under it. Then my heart started pounding, I had a headache and felt nauseated. Decided I had better cool it and went inside to rest. Then when I was getting ready to do chores it started pouring rain. Guess I need to rest and let my body work on getting better.
I t's hard not to over do it when there is so much to do.I got a call at 5:30 am from the post office to say my dom chicks are in.It took 4 days to get here.So i had 2 dead in the box 2 more to die today and 2 more don't look good.I got them from meyers and they have a 48 hour live guarantee so i see what they do.Also today i went to Mo to get 2 ,1200 lb box of feed. It's still half price even with 66 bucks of gas than buying bagged feed.The bad part it takes about 6 hours to go there and back.Also today when i got back i took 2 boxs of chicks that i hatched out for a old friend about 45 mins away and we set around and talked chickens for half the night and he sent me home with more hatching eggs and i fed everybody. I'm pooped .Yesterday i picked up a spotted feeder pig.
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