Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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I got to meet the local fire department and parametric Tuesday.I went out to start watering and bent down to dump out the duck water and got so dizzy that i started falling backward and fell against the barn ,So with my heart troubles i panicked and called my wife and she called 911.I did make it back to the house and they showed up,come to find out i was dehydrated.I felt like crap for the rest of the day and drank about 10 gallons of water. I have worked outside all of my life and this has never happened to me.So everyone be real careful in this heat.
Not so great, just chronic problems. Feel like going into hibernation to escape the heat.Quilting a lot, now on the way to Fl to see kids,parents, and grandkids:)
Sorry to be such a worry wart, you are both regualar posters and I panicked. I may not post often, but I read, usually playing catch up.

Happy Fourth of July!!!
Me too! I always read just don't always post. News around here is we have been building and building stuff nearly constantly lots of eggs from everywhere my FBCM are laying finally!! woot! These babies came from Ernie Haire! so we have SQ eggs! and hens too I'm so excited. We bought a boat ad on any day we can swing it we go out even if I have to ignore some chores...sigh. Deb is becoming quite the carpenter I am so proud of her! I had a migraine that lasted a month...I am not talking about regular headache either I mean a migraine migraine. o light,don't talk the whole nine yards.wretched. Now seeing a chiro it is definitely better...hahaha my neck still hurts but no headache at all. Things are getting easier with getting rid of some roos. and building pens we replaced ALL shavings on our poop boards with sweet pdz reworked our boards to put little trims on them to hold in the sandy I just scoop the boards and save a ton of money on shavings..AND while the sweet pdz is expensive about 10 bucks a bag it last forever...I have had it over a month and havent had to ADD any new yet OR buy more bags DEFINATLY something to look into if you have poop boards and AND they coop wont stink! sprinkle liberally around the coop ot keeps the shavings dry on the floor and cleans feet when it is walked in...I also sprinkle seven dust in it to discurage ants. sorry just some FYI but I am loving mine and it has cut down waste we carry out of the coop reducing WORK! ok shutting up
Just got back from Florida , it was nice to see the parents, kids and grandkids. Painted moms hallway with 12 ' ceilings, took a whole gallon of paint and we needed more. Worked some in the yard at our old house but too hot to do it all. Got a big spider bite in TN before we left so ended up at the doctor. Then I broke out in a rash. I am just a mess. Looked like it wanted to rain tonight but not much came of it. Any one need chickens? I have got to sell some of these. The piggies are growing jowls:-D
Sorry your a mess.Last week i almost passed out from dehyration and got to meet the local first responders also i stepped on a 16 penny nail and got to go see the doc for a shot.This week good so far we got over a inch of rain and it cooled off a little.I'm still slowly working on small coops and like you i need to sell a bunch ,but with low prices at the sales i'm holding off and feeding them.That dosen't make much sence.
Hey Deb we may come right by your house on the way home from NY. What chickens are you wanting to sell? I will have chicken carriers in the back of the truck LOL
I am dropping some off in Indiana for a friend.
Just got back from Florida , it was nice to see the parents, kids and grandkids. Painted moms hallway with 12 ' ceilings, took a whole gallon of paint and we needed more. Worked some in the yard at our old house but too hot to do it all. Got a big spider bite in TN before we left so ended up at the doctor. Then I broke out in a rash. I am just a mess. Looked like it wanted to rain tonight but not much came of it. Any one need chickens? I have got to sell some of these. The piggies are growing jowls:-D
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